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  1. Pandora News - Business Plan finished, ready to gather investors!
  2. [CAANOO] A New Fungp
  3. Pandora News - Business Plan sent to interested investors (2011 - 09 - 20)
  4. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3465 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  5. Investments, Production start, preoderings and a wish (2011-10-02)
  6. Pandora News -Preorders have started! (2011-10-04)
  7. Pandora News - A plan taking form (2011-10-05)
  8. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3517.7z
  9. Pandora News - Of bare boards and investments (2011-10-13)
  10. Pandora News - Way to go! (2011 - 10 - 19)
  11. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3553.7z
  12. Pandora News - Contracts sent out, parts (hopefully) moving in (2011-10-26)
  13. Pandora News - Meet us at the Replay Expo in Blackpool! (2011-10-26)
  14. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3567 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  15. [CAANOO] Pcsx Rearmed R11
  16. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3581
  17. [PANDORA] Vvvvvv
  18. ScummVM 1.4.0 "10th Anniversary" Released!
  19. Pandora News - On and on it goes. Still going strong (2011-11-09)
  20. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3591 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  21. [PANDORA] Headoverheels
  22. Pandora News -Everything still going smooth? (2011-11-18)
  23. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3596 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  24. [CAANOO] Pcsxrearmed Random Slowdowns
  25. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3619 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  26. [PANDORA] Inside The Box - Pandora Ezine
  27. Pandora News - Getting closer... (2011 - 12 - 01)
  28. Pandora News - The grand day is nearing (2011-12-12)
  29. Pandora News - What a day! (2011-12-14)
  30. Pandora News - A tale of snow, tons of server requests and coordinates (2011-12-16)
  31. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3638 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  32. Pandora News - After a long day, there'll be another one (2011-12-21)
  33. Pandora News -100% success! (2011-12-24)
  34. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3650 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  35. [CAANOO] Final Burn Alpha
  36. Pcsx Rearmed R12
  37. Pandora News - Meet me at the FOSDEM 2012! (2012-07-01)
  38. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3663 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  39. [CAANOO] Two "new" Caanoo Games
  40. Pandora Rebirth Competition (2012-01-09)
  41. [CAANOO] Bennugd - Module Yeti3Dpro: Second Version
  42. Pandora handheld approaches full production next month, never gave up hope
  43. GameGadget dated for UK release
  44. ScummVM 1.4.1 "Subwoofer Release" Is Available!
  45. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3667
  46. [CAANOO] Easyrpg Port
  47. Why the Raspberry Pi Won't Ship In Kit Form
  48. Alternative Handheld Emulation Revamped
  49. Pandora News -2 Months..... umm, weeks to go (2012-02-06)
  50. Pandora News - One week to go... and so much work to do (2012-02-10)
  51. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3669 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  52. [CAANOO] Canabalt On The Caanoo
  53. Pandora News - Just a few days... (2012-02-18)
  54. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3670
  55. GP2x News Revamped
  56. Pandora Homebrew News Revamped
  57. ZX-81`s Site at DCEmu revamped
  58. Pandora News - There we go! (2012-02-28)
  59. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3671 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  60. [WIZ] Pcsx Rearmed R14
  61. GameGadget handheld gets SDK release
  62. Faster delivery upgrade-Information (2012-03-06)
  63. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3673 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  64. Pandora News - UK ordering available again for new units
  65. Yamagi Quake2 Opengl-Es [Caanoo And Wiz]
  66. [GPH] Quakeworld
  67. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3679 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  68. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3691 - - for Dreamcast, Wii, wiz, gp2x, dingoo and PSP
  69. Mame4all gp2x/wiz/caanoo (08/05/2012)
  70. Pcsx4all wiz/caanoo (08/05/2012)
  71. and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)
  72. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3703
  73. New Gaming Console GCW-Zero
  74. Pandora News - 1Ghz units, how to get one.
  75. Pokemini v0.5.2
  76. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3710
  77. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3711 - Beats of Rage for PSP, Dreamcast, Wii, GP2X, Dingoo, Wiz
  78. Test-Run of the 1GHz Pandoras happens today (2012-07-05)
  79. ScummVM 1.5.0 "Picnic Basket" Released
  80. [GPH] Scummvm 1.5.0 Release For Gph Devices.
  81. [Caanoo/wiz] Pcsx Rearmed R15
  82. Pandora News - Global Components did it again :)
  83. Boxed GP32 BLU on Ebay.co.uk
  84. Alternative Handheld Emulation Spruced up
  85. 1GHz units, Classic units, repairs and TV-Out Cables (2012-08-24)
  86. GP2X with 8GB Card, Case, TV and Power Cables Ebay Auction
  87. Dingoo A320 With Dingux Installed Ebay Auction
  88. GP32 BLU Ebay Auction
  89. Focus on Pandora Homebrew
  90. The current situation
  91. Right, let's start recovering this?
  92. Pandora News - Let's go - Help wanted :)
  93. Caanoo - Gpsp (Re)Port
  94. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3713
  95. Picnic Defender - Game Gadget Homebrew Game
  96. Pandora News - 1Ghz units resuming shipping next month
  97. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3715 - Beats of Rage Clone for Multiple Consoles and PC
  98. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3716 - Beats of Rage Clone for Multiple Consoles and PC
  99. Pandora News - Soon back in stock - and other news (2012-10-29)
  100. Pandora News - Emails to remaining preorders.
  101. Pandora News - Catching up (2012-11-09)
  102. Pandora News - A further update on preorders (18th of November 2012)
  103. OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3732
  104. Pandora News - Upgrades, a compo and a special game (2012-11-28)
  105. [PANDORA] Tailtale For Pandora
  106. [GPH] Pcsx Rearmed R17
  107. Engeniux creates new Autonomous Game Console to compete with WiiU, OUYA and others
  108. [PANDORA] Super Tirititran
  109. [GPH] [Scene For Christmas] Combatz - Caanoo/wiz
  110. iControlPad 2 News
  111. PokeMini 0.5.3 - Pokemini Emulator for Dreamcast, PSP, DS, Dingoo & Wiz
  112. DragonBox Coding competition Announcement and Details
  113. [DragonBox Compo] P01: Trigger Happy
  114. Muon
  115. Microbes
  116. EvalMaster
  117. GCW-Zero joins fleet of new gaming hardware on Kickstarter
  118. GCW-Zero: Open Source Gaming Handheld - The New Ultimate Homebrew Console ?
  119. GCW-Zero: Open Source Gaming Handheld Less Than $8,000 Dollars from its Target
  120. GCW-Zero: Open Source Gaming Handheld - Reached its Goal
  121. GCW-Zero: Open Source Gaming Handheld - $200,000 and Counting
  122. The GCW Toolkit will soon be accompanied by a virtual device emulator
  123. GCW-Zero News
  124. GCW-Zero News
  125. New open gaming console called IndieGO! is coming - Win a prototype
  126. Is the GCW-Zero The Saviour of Homebrew on consoles ?
  127. developers of Darkened Light are planning on developing the game for GCW Zero
  128. iControlPad 2 News
  129. GCW-Zero Spotlight On Games Episode II "Powder & Meritous"
  130. iControlPad 2 News - Parts to be made on 3D Printer ?
  131. Homebrew Release for Multiple Consoles - World Heroes Supreme Justice
  132. 2013 DragonBox Coding competition closed!
  133. AquaVenture (15-02-2013) (Game)
  134. GCW Weather Proof Carrying Cases
  135. GCW-Zero News - News for Developers
  136. Gmu 0.9.1 Released
  137. Gmu 0.9.1 Released
  138. Authorized Resellers/Distributors for GCW Zero At This Point
  139. Open Source Handhelds Website Open
  140. GCW-Zero Teaser
  141. GCW-Zero Taking Atari Back to its Roots.
  142. DOSBox 0.74 Open Dingux and Ben Nanonote
  143. Nethack 3.4.3 and Rogue for Ben Nanonote
  144. DOSBox 0.74 v2.0 A320 Open Dingux and Ben Nanonote OpenWRT
  145. One queue cleared, TV Out cables finally coming and some other tidbits (2013-03-20)
  146. GCW-Zero Status Update
  147. Progress on GCW Zero USB OTG support
  148. Final preorders, action required
  149. GCW-Zero Progress Status Update .
  150. Some of the pledge rewards are in....
  151. GCW-Zero Status Update April 14th, 2013
  152. GCW-Zero Status Update
  153. GCW-Zero passed FCC & CE certifications
  154. [DINGOO] Dooom - Native Os Port Of Chocolate Doom
  155. Dos Emulator for GCW News
  156. Open Source OpenGL driver for GCW ZERO
  157. Dooom - A Doom port for the Dingoo Native OS
  158. Rockbot 1.0 beta 4
  159. Mini Slug - OpenDingux
  160. OpenMobile ACL for webOS resurrected on Kickstarter
  161. Virgin Media launches VIP unlimited mobile plans, starting at £15 SIM-only
  162. GCW Zero port started - Dos Emulator for GCW Zero
  163. GCW-Zero Kernal and Bootloader Video
  164. GCW Zero Update
  165. MAME4ALL v1.1 for Dingoo A320 Native
  166. TV-Out Cable - Prototype finished (2013-05-03)
  167. EvilDragon's Pre-Order Survey Thread
  168. GCW Zero porting work continues
  169. GCW Zero Update
  170. Dos Emulator for GCW Zero news
  171. More pics at GCW HQ and info
  172. GCW Zero Flash Party Pics and Pictures of GCW HQ
  173. ScummVM 1.6.0 "+4 to engines"
  174. GCW Zero Shipping Party for SE this weekend
  175. GCW Zero - KickStarter Units
  176. zerox86 progress
  177. GCW Zero Update
  178. NEO Summer Retro Coding Contest 2013 for all retro platform announcement
  179. NEO Summer Retro Coding Contest 2013 for all retro platform announcement
  180. GCW-Zero Status Update
  181. GCW-Zero Status Update
  182. GCW-Zero Status Update
  183. Status update July 19th, 2013
  184. Dingoo Emulation Pack v2.0 (Dingoo misc)
  185. SMS_SDL (12-07-2013) (Multiple emus for GCWZ)
  186. Handy320 (17-07-2013) (Atari Lynx emu for GCWZ)
  187. A5200 v1.0 (A5200 emu for GCWZ)
  188. xRick v1.0 (GCWZ Game Port)
  189. Stella v1.0 (A2600 emu for GCWZ)
  190. RACE! v1.1 (NGPC emu for GCWZ)
  191. Noiz2sa v1.0 (GCWZ Game Port)
  192. ProSystem v1.1 (A7800 emu for GCWZ)
  193. colecOD v1.0 (ColecoVision emu for GCWZ)
  194. OpenDingux (06-07-2013) (GCWZ OS)
  195. Temper 0.80 for Dingoo Native v1.0
  196. Status Update July 25th, 2013 "The Eagle Has Landed"
  197. Dooom v0.8 (Dingoo misc Port)
  198. Handy320 v1.0 (Atari Lynx emu for GCWZ)
  199. GCW Zero - KickStarter Units Address Change form...
  200. zerox86 progress
  201. Manic Miner v1.0 (GCW Zero Game Port)
  202. Dooom v1.1 (Dingoo misc Port)
  203. zerox86 version 0.01 alpha released!
  204. Dooom v1.2 (Dingoo misc Port)
  205. zerox86 progress
  206. Status Update August 20th, 2013
  207. zerox86 version 0.02 alpha released! - Dos Emulator for GCW Zero
  208. GCW Zero Update - Apology for shipping delays
  209. GCW News - Update September 6th, 2013
  210. Mile Stones and Shipping Updates
  211. Bitbox Console: an Open Source Gaming Rig
  212. Wikipad game tablet hits UK this month
  213. Archos GamePad 2 outed with quad-core CPU, higher-res display
  214. REminiscence v1.0 (GCWZ Engine Port)
  215. OpenDingux (04-10-2013) (GCWZ OS)
  216. Powermanga v0.1.1 (GCWZ Game Port)
  217. Sonic Robo Blast 2 (30-09-2013) (GCWZ Game Port)
  218. [GPH] Picodrive Revival (1.91) - Gp2X/wiz/caanoo Version
  219. The Griffon Legend, ported to the GCW Zero
  220. Nvidia Shield adding 'console mode,' streaming leaves beta
  221. Solarus ARPG Engine, Ported to GCW
  222. The Griffon Legend, ported to the GCW Zero
  223. Ghouls and Ghosts Remix v0.56 (GCWZ Game Port)
  224. Open Sonic v0.1.4 (GCWZ Game Port)
  225. ReGBA (Alpha 11) (GBA emu for GCWZ)
  226. GMU Music Player v0.9.1 (GCWZ Application Port)
  227. October 30th, 2013 Status Update: Quick Start Guide & other news
  228. L’Abbaye des Morts v1.12 (GCWZ Game Port)
  229. KOF Flames Of Courage v5 (GCWZ Game Port)
  230. ReGBA (Alpha 12) (GBA emu for GCWZ)
  231. MAME4ALL v1.2 for Dingoo A320 Native
  232. GCW News- Status Update November 21st, 2013
  233. GCW News- Status Update November 22nd, 2013
  234. ReGBA v1.45 (GBA emu for GCWZ)
  235. OpenConsole #8 (misc)
  236. OpenPandora is NOT dead!
  237. Status Update November 26th, 2013
  238. Status Update December 2nd, 2013
  239. ReGBA v1.45.2 (GBA emu for GCWZ)
  240. MAME4ALL v1.0 for Dingoo A380
  241. Christmas, the past and the future (2013-12-24)
  242. 2014 - a Sneak Peek! (2014-01-02)
  243. PocketSNES based on Snes9x 1.43, GCW Zero EMU update
  244. Alexkidd2X V0.6.2U Gp2X
  245. GCW-Zero Updates
  246. FCEUX for GCW Zero, update
  247. Alive and Kicking Coding Competition - cast your votes!
  248. Hocoslamfy, GCW Zero homebrew update
  249. Journey to the Center of the Earth, New GCW Zero Homebrew
  250. [GP32] Quadtris