View Full Version : DSOrganize - WPA protected wireless

May 8th, 2008, 01:07
I'm using DSOrganize and want to connect to my wireless network at work. It has WPA protection set with a 8 charatcter key. When I try to configure my browser settings, I can detect the network but I can't connect to it. It has an option to enter a WEP key but not a WPA one. Is there something I can download to allow me to use this network or is it not possible? Or am I just doing it wrong?

I'm fairly new to the homebrew scene and am still trying to get things sorted so if this is fairly obvious, please bear with me. :o

May 8th, 2008, 01:16
The DS itself only supports WEP, not WPA. It's a limitation of the DS so it isn't something any homebrew application can fix, sorry.

May 8th, 2008, 01:18
Excellent... That makes sense. Thank you.

May 9th, 2008, 07:29
DS doesn't support WPA. There might be a setting on your router to change it to WEP.

wiggy fuzz
May 9th, 2008, 07:32
WEP is far easier to hack than WPA, though. another option would be to opt for the nintendo router - it requires your pc to be on at all times, though, and will not work with homebrew apps that connect to your computer (dspad/ds controller)