View Full Version : RELEASE: PS4 Cheater v1.4.2 by @hurrican6

April 9th, 2018, 20:15
Heres another exciting item of news for those who like to cheat on their games:

@GregoryRasputin (http://www.maxconsole.com/members/36394/) on his site 'PlayStationHAX' reports that scene developer @hurrican6 has updated his fork of the jkpatch for PS4:

Enhanced pointer finder feature.

Pointer finder usage:

Find the data address on main window.
Click "Find pointer" on the cheat list view.
Click "First scan" on "Pointer Finder" window.
Reboot your PS4 and restart your game. NOTE: DONOT close "Pointer Finder" window.
Find the new data address on main window.
Type the new address on the unclosed "Pointer Finder" window.
Click next scan on "Pointer Finder" window.
Repeat step 4~7 until there are few results.
Double click the result for adding cheats to main window.
Save your results.

This feature may not find the pointers in some games. I have changed my job recently. Further update should be slow.

This is good time to remind everyone that has exploitable v4.55 PlayStation 4 setup, that we have very active forum setup for discussion and finding/using PS4 Cheat Codes (http://www.maxconsole.com/forums/ps4-game-cheat-codes.266/), so check it out, try out some, and share the ones you find with our members!

OFFICIAL GITHub Project Releases: --> https://github.com/hurrican6/PS4_Cheater/releases

NEWS SOURCE: PS4 Cheater v1.4.2 (via) PlayStationHAX (https://playstationhax.xyz/forums/topic/4524-released-ps4-cheater-v142-ps4/)

via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/release-ps4-cheater-v1-4-2-by-hurrican6.46726/