View Full Version : millionaire help!

November 24th, 2005, 01:32
how come millioanire with custom questions dont work wen i click custom q's dont work ig to a q for each money amt

February 3rd, 2006, 06:55
Hi. I am the creator of PSPMillionaire. I released a patch earlier this month to fix this issue. It was a problem that came after I added 2-player support. You can go to my site EvilMana (http://www.evilmana.com) and in the downloads section you can find Patch 2 for the latest release, which is 1.10.
Any issues with the game can be posted in the Millionaire forum there on my site, or emailed to me.

March 9th, 2006, 19:41
how do i get v1.10 to run on firmware 2.6 eloader .96 its listed on fanjitas site as a working game but i cant seem to get it right