View Full Version : Firmware of choice for an old PSP?

October 3rd, 2008, 17:08
Hello guys, I'm currently using the custom firmware 3.52 m33, and I'm very happy with it. But I haven't kept myself updated on new custom firmwares, so what firmware could you recommend?

October 3rd, 2008, 18:42
Get 4.01 M33.

October 4th, 2008, 18:29
4.01 m33 -2, unless you want irshell in which case stick with 3.90

October 31st, 2008, 13:55
i would recommend 5.00m33. havent had any problems:thumbup:

November 2nd, 2008, 11:42
I've stopped at 3.71 M33-4 because, well, I'm an amateur and a noob ;)

I've found that 3.71 allows me to play the PSONE emulations for:
-- FF7
-- Chrono Cross

and the following emulators:

...so I'm reluctant to upgrade the firmware. I am a compulsive upgrader, but held myself back since I don't want to cripple the PSone and homebrew emulation.

Any features I'm missing out on the higher firmwares?

November 2nd, 2008, 16:05
You're missing a bunch of features.
If you really want everything, upgrade to 5.00 m33-3.
To get there you can upgrade strait to 5.00 m33, and then install the 5.00 m33-3 update for it.
From there you're going to want to install popsloader and the 3.71 pops so that you can keep your pops compatability.

Might sound difficult, but It's really not that hard.

November 2nd, 2008, 16:55
Ta, Buddy. I take it the popsloader package can be found by hunting about? And it really won't hurt my PSone emulation?