View Full Version : Can you hook up a Xbox 360 HD DVD drive straight to a TV?

November 6th, 2008, 01:32
hi, im somewhat new to this part of the forum and im sure many here would agree with me that HD DVD is and always will be the better format of the current consumer/prosumer High-Definition standard.

however, i was wondering through people here, as we all know the Xbox 360 has an add-on, which is a HD DVD drive which can only play those discs, and a great advantage as well is u can hook it up to a PC and use it as a external player which is fantastic, but now my question is that, can u literally take that drive and connect it to a HDTV using the HDMI socket?

November 6th, 2008, 02:30
Nope from what I know its not possible. The only reason it works on the PC is because of the drivers, so its not even a plug and play kind of thing.

beetroot bertie
November 6th, 2008, 17:46
From what I understood, the 360 HD DVD drive needed the 360 or PC to perform some of the processing of the data.

November 13th, 2008, 18:07
oh thats a shame, so i cant literally get a 360 HD DVD drive and hook it up directly toa HDTV via HDMI? :(

November 13th, 2008, 19:55
no, that won't work, its not a standalone player

November 14th, 2008, 04:52
Ya this is work.

November 14th, 2008, 07:09
that format is dead... why bother...

December 1st, 2008, 11:17
hi, im somewhat new to this part of the forum and im sure many here would agree with me that HD DVD is and always will be the better format of the current consumer/prosumer High-Definition standard.

however, i was wondering through people here, as we all know the Xbox 360 has an add-on, which is a HD DVD drive which can only play those discs, and a great advantage as well is u can hook it up to a PC and use it as a external player which is fantastic, but now my question is that, can u literally take that drive and connect it to a HDTV using the HDMI socket?

good, and i think you are right , i like played that game for a long time , and i think the game can give me so much pleasure,

December 16th, 2008, 11:04
hi, im somewhat new to this part of the forum and im sure many here would agree with me that HD DVD is and always will be the better format of the current consumer/prosumer High-Definition standard.

however, i was wondering through people here, as we all know the Xbox 360 has an add-on, which is a HD DVD drive which can only play those discs, and a great advantage as well is u can hook it up to a PC and use it as a external player which is fantastic, but now my question is that, can u literally take that drive and connect it to a HDTV using the HDMI socket?

i think your question is right , and i also played that game very much , first , i see the dvd , and know how to play it , so i use the dvd disk understand the basic knowledge , so i played it well , and my character is good in the world,