View Full Version : Genesis Demo

December 11th, 2004, 17:08
Today I've been looking through an old box of CD-Rs and noticed that I had a CD of the DCAnthology, released by consolevision a couple of years back. The CD included my only finished demo for the DC called Genesis. After the CD image had been released I realized that the bitmaps for the demo were in the wrong place "/IMAGES/*" instead of "/T2K/IMAGES/*" Doh!

The following zip file contains an archive of just the demo with the DCAnthology menu removed and the images in the correct places.

Seeing as the DCAnthology disk image seems to have dissappeared from the internet, I'm planning on uploading the image from my CD-R on my webspace, if anyone would like to archive it for 'historical' purposes.

Dave :)

December 11th, 2004, 17:12
:o That's great!!! Thank you very much, Turrican2K

December 11th, 2004, 17:19
You're very welcome :)