View Full Version : Update firmware question

April 14th, 2009, 19:58
I'm on a phat psp with cfw 4.01 m33-2.Was thinking it's been ages since I've updated it so my question's are as follows,

What is the lastest cfw?

Can I jump straight to this from where i am now or in small steps like i did last time I updated?

Is the pops (ps1 thing) working well on this cfw as I have loads of ps1 discs but have had limited success in the the past and struggled with resident evil and Dino crises?

Any help will be well recieved.....cheers.x

April 14th, 2009, 20:02
1)5.00 M33-6
2)I just used Network update on PSP to download latest CFW(5.00 M33-6) to update from 3.90 M33-3
3)Not sure, but all my games that worked on 3.90 work on 5.00 also.

April 14th, 2009, 22:28
Thanks for that,will make some time to update now.

April 29th, 2009, 02:16