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View Full Version : Can anyone help me install jenesisDs To my DSi??

C Turner26
May 14th, 2009, 13:44
I downloaded the JenesisDS On my computer and put it on my SD card I am not to familiar with the emulators only ones I have ever messed with is Gens for my computer

So I was hoping someone would help me run through how to set it up JenesisDS On my Dsi.

thanks for taking the time to help.


May 14th, 2009, 15:47
What flash card are you using?

(you are aware that you need to have a suitable flash cart to run Homebrew on your DSi (http://www.ds-xtra.com/DS_Homebrew_Directory)?)

C Turner26
May 14th, 2009, 16:21
No i was not aware of the card haha, but i just have a basic san disk. what card do i need to run emulators????

August 14th, 2010, 22:55
You need a flashcard that runs using the ds game card slot, like a datel games n music, AR DSi, R4i, etc. A regular SD card won't work.