View Full Version : Donkey 64?

March 22nd, 2006, 15:36
Hey Guys,

I just found out about Donkey 64. Is this real? If it isn't, please tell me (or give me) links, evidence etc. The video looks so real!


March 22nd, 2006, 16:33
donkey64 appeared on PSmonkeys forum before bout this emu, his now been banned so no its not real

March 22nd, 2006, 21:14
its pretty easy to make a video then convert it to mp4 lossless quality then play it while twidling your fingers.
also you should never believe someone who only releases a video.

March 30th, 2006, 19:26
he said he wud be releasin his emu on 29 but he's banned...now dun know if this emu exist or not!

March 30th, 2006, 19:46
He was banned but he changes ip's, thats how he managed to post a 29 March release date on this site.

Also how can people still beleive his excuses for still not releasing it.

March 31st, 2006, 01:02
Also how can people still beleive his excuses for still not releasing it.

I wish I knew man. :(

Here is the true story and I hope PSDonkey will never be brought up again
- PSDonkey64 registered March 4th 2006

- He quickly posted a video about his new "emulator"

-Though skeptical the staff simply let the threads continue for about two days. Many members also pointed out the many inconstencies with both the video and PSDonkey's claims.

-chrisfile (the alternate account) posted claims about the emulators greatness and touted his "brothers" amazing abilites.

-PSMonkey fed up with chrisfile spmamming in his forums decided to ask him for some proof that it was real.

-Chrisfile then insulted PSmonkey by saying his emulator was shitty and started to directly flame everyone he came into he got in contact with.

- by now the entire DCEMU staff (yes I mean everyone) started getting angry. Chrisfile was banned.

- Chrisfile then changed his IP address and re-registered three times. Each time we banned him he changed his IP address and claimed his brother had hacked into DCEMU :rolleyes:

- All of PSDonkey's alternate accounts were banned (again)

- PSDonkey re-registered one final time to apologize for his "brothers" behaviour. wraggster personally told PSDonkey to either show up or shut up. PSDonkey told everyone he would release the emulator on MArch 29th.

-Sn!per finds evidence from other forums(Chrisfile asked people how to record N64 videos). This shows proof he made up some video.

-March 29th comes and go's and I ban PSDonkey's account we let him keep.

-PSDonkey throughout the few days has told us he was not going to release it after all because we "treated him like crap"

- He moves his stupid antics to other PSP sites which are more tolerant to shitwits like him.


Any more discussion of it will be locked or deleted.