View Full Version : Danzeff OSK for windows!

September 15th, 2009, 01:50
hey could someone port the Danzeff OSK to windows! So you would press a hotkey (Ctrl+Alt+K for example) and it would open the OSK then when you press the hotkey again it would exit. This would be very useful for using a xbox 360 controller to control windows using xpadder to control the mouse and stuff (to type you would hit [back] which would trigger the hotkey, the osk would come up you would type what you need to and you would hit [back] again to close the osk) I think this would be VERY VERY useful xD

a link to the source of the Danzeff OSK can be found here (http://dl.qj.net/Danzeff-OSK-Source-PSP-Development/pg/12/fid/6649/catid/203)

September 15th, 2009, 01:51
oh i almost forgot if anyone is willing to do this please email me at [email protected]