View Full Version : Just got DS lite. Slot 2 cards?

April 9th, 2010, 22:23
Hey all,

FINALLY got my hands on a DS lite, bit tight on money at the moment so this was a good find.

Anyway, I have seen that you can get flash cartridges for the GBA slot (slot 2) on the DSL which you can put ROMs on, but I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions/walkthrough of what I should do now.

I am not sure which slot 2 cart to get, how much memory I will need etc, and if I need anything else as WELL AS the cart, like SD card to go inside it, or a special USB transfer lead from the cart to the PC.

Any help is very much appreciated :)


April 13th, 2010, 19:28
I am using the supercard lite with a 2gb micro sd card and all you need is a micro sd to sd convertor and a sd card reader.

April 14th, 2010, 01:45
i would suggest a slot 1 card. they can pretty much do anything

April 26th, 2010, 22:22
If you just want a dedicated slot 2/gba cart go with a EZ Flash IV. It takes minisd cards. But doesn't have a rtc but other than that the compatibility is really good.