View Full Version : No CPS2 after all

July 31st, 2006, 13:56
I just took a look over at NJs web page, and he had something interesting written at the very bottom.

PSPだとデバッグの作業が辛いので、MAME 0.106のmusashi 68KコアをC68Kに置き換え

"Debugging on the PSP is very difficult so I replaced the 68K Core with the the MAME 0.106 Musashi 68K Core to give myself a better debugging environment. Replacing the core also allows encrypted roms to be read."

I find the last part about being able to read encrypted roms the most fascinating because he stated earlier, the inability to run fast memory access on the 68K Core with encrypted roms as one of his main reasons for refusing to even try CPS2 emulation.

So after I wrote this I looked back at NJ's page and he had this to say.


In an effort to check the C68K encryption I booted up a CPS2 game on the PSP. I didn't want anyone to think that I was just saying I wouldn't do it without even trying:) In any case it ended up being just as bad as I thought it was going to be, and when it's like this from the get go, I'm really not up for tackling it. I've written it a thousand times before, but I'll say it again, I won't be the one to release a CPS2 emu on the PSP.


There isn't enough available memory on the PSP to load in all of even the smallest CPS2 game.
The PSP only allows a maximum of 24mb of ram for program operation, actual data use at 20, but the CPS2 encryption requires an extra 4mb to be held in reserve making emulation extremely difficult.

 一切処理しない、Raster Effectsなしにもかかわらず以下のような状態。
CPS2 rendering is even more complex than CPS1 making any speed improvements difficult.
I ran ssf2 as a test without sound, zero sprite prioritization, and no raster effects, yet even so I could only get around 20fps.
SSF2 - プレイヤー選択画面
In some instances the speed increased as in this CPS1 SF2 stage.
SSF2 - プレイ中画面3

So that's the end of that I guess.

Sorry for the messy post, but I'm hitting the hay.

July 31st, 2006, 14:47
I think you may be right!


Here`s hoping!

July 31st, 2006, 15:29
Fingers crossed! :)

August 1st, 2006, 03:42
Eh NJ, I am so thankful for your fantastic CPS-1 emulator. It is by far the best emulator for PSP ever.

If we ever see a CPS-2 emu, it'll be my dream come true....I don't know what else to say, but please don't give up!!!