View Full Version : PSP 4 FREE!!

February 27th, 2005, 19:38
go here
click on the psp or woteva u like and register
and await ur psp!

February 27th, 2005, 19:53
As far as i know DCemu are not big fans of these sites. Is there any proof this works, you could be a big scammer. Not saying you are just saying you might be. Your spelling certainly hints that you are. IF you can produce proof this works then good scheme, if not please remove this post and refrain from reposting about these scams.

Ah it appears your trying to make it so you get yours by referring people. I don't like someone not telling me what exactly they are doing.

Thank you.


February 27th, 2005, 19:57
they are just scams Mental2k i tried one of them and most only work with the US so some people are lucky and like me and others in my country are screwed i believe this topic should be locked i hate them so much it makes people happy and then they go and they arent to happy

Pushing products is wrong when you cant get the scamming a product for the purchase of nothing is wrong when you cant get it


February 27th, 2005, 20:02
Figured as much Eric, there is one ipod one that works though, but only in america as far as i know. They must endow onto me the power to remove such topics.

February 27th, 2005, 20:26
I hate these scams, youve made it really obvious by signing up and having this be your first post.