View Full Version : DS Team Fortress 2 v250111

March 11th, 2011, 00:44
news via nmax (http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=13052&f=19)

Kazuki is currently developing an adaptation of the popular multiplayer shooter Team Fortress 2 (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_Fortress_2) for the Nintendo DS, " Team Fortress 2 DS . The game is not finished yet or really played but is already well advanced.

DPad - left/right to move
A - Jump. The Scout(1st class) can double jump by pressing A while in the air.
B - Fire (currently only Soldier w/ rockets and Demoman w/ primary/secondary)
Y - Secondary Fire (Demoman: detonate stickybombs)
X - Reload
L - Change weapon backwards
R - Change weapon forwards
Touch Screen - Change class (must be in your team's base), health/reload testing

- Switched the functions of the X and Y buttons. Let me know if you liked it better the other way around!
- Blu team can no longer go into Red's base and vice-versa.
- Swapped positions of Blu and Red bases to make it more intuitive since Blu team attacks in attack/defend game types and heading to the right is usually associated with moving forward in a side-scrolling game.
- Started working on an actual map. If anyone's played Team Fortress 2 before, the map will be Sawmill.
* I still have no idea how I am going to code in collisions with platforms and stuff without having to hard-code them in. Any ideas?
* I also need advice on how best to implement shooting with the non-projectile weapons. Should I just use a sprite? Is there any trickery I can do with drawing pixels? I have no clue. :c

- Clip and ammo values now on the bottom right.
- Demoman (4th class) can now fire his primary weapon (grenade launcher) .
- Demoman can also fire his secondary weapon (stickybomb launcher).
- - Only 8 stickies can be out at once. Y button 'detonates' them. (They're only deleted currently.)
- Added reloading and reload sound effects for all classes. Press X to reload.
- Plus/minus buttons on touch screen now increase/decrease the ammo in your clip for reloading tests.
- Up and Down changes amount of metal or cloak if you are an Engineer (6th) or Spy (9th) (for testing).

Changed the 'gameplay' from a horizontal scroller with depth back to just a flat horizontal scroller. Having to deal with jump position, whether or not you're in front of or behind objects, etc. using pseudo-3D in a 2D space was ridiculous and I'm not going to deal with that at all. :3

Health is displayed and you can now choose your team when starting the game (either by stylus or pressing the Y/B/A buttons). If you want to change classes you have to be inside your team's 'base' for it to change.

The four buttons on the right of the bottom screen are for testing. The faces increase/decrease health by 50 at once and the +/- buttons increase or decrease your health as you hold the stylus on them.

Only one class can fire right now and it's the Soldier (guy with rocket launcher; first row, middle column). Currently the rocket only just moves until it hits the edge of the room and deletes itself.


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