View Full Version : Please Help :(

April 14th, 2011, 04:18
I recently bough the R4I Revolution for DS (NDSI/NDSL/NDS) The guy told me i needed to flash it to make it work on the 3ds but i tried things but nothing worked so far so im sure i might be doing it wrong, Can someone just give me a brief easy to understand guide on how to set it up? it would mean a lot~

April 21st, 2011, 08:29
What's the url on the packaging ? Only several r4i that can run on 3ds ..

if yours are not from r4ids.cn (http://www.slickgate.com/r4i-gold-wood-compatible-for-3ds-nds-lite-ndsi-ndsi-xl-ndsi-141-compatible_p1326.html) or r4idsn.com (http://www.slickgate.com/r4idsn-revolution-for-3ds-nds-lite-ndsi-ndsi-xl-141-compatible_p1328.html) and it says 3ds compatible on the packaging , then you are no luck.

It is really important to find a reliable online store to order these things ..