View Full Version : Configuring irShell correctly?

September 20th, 2006, 12:01
I hope this isn't in the wrong forum...

I have no problems booting up homebrews in general. All of them work great, but somehow, when I try to start a game with irShell, it won't let me use the screenshot feature (which is the most important thing I use with irShell in the first place). I need it for Powered UP and Maverick Hunter X only.

The screenshot feature works WHILE I'm using irShell though, but not while I'm playing a game. Is it because once it boots a game through the XMB, the functions of irShell stops working?

Also, I can't seem to be able to run Devhook through irShell, but Devhook itself works while not using it with irShell. Maybe I need to configure it properly on irShell's settings menu?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT #1: And I get errors when trying to boot a UMD with either BOOT.BIN or EBOOT.BIN on irShell. I don't seem to have those or is there something behind this conspiracy? X_X;

EDIT #2: Launching the XMB with irShell (so I return to 1.5) lets me use the screenshot feature, but once I load another homebrew through XMB, the functions of irShell stops working from here. >_>