View Full Version : Dark is a stealth game with vampires, sneaking to Xbox, PC

May 15th, 2012, 00:19
http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2012/05/darkscreen12_530x298.jpg (http://www.joystiq.com/2012/05/14/dark-is-a-stealth-game-with-vampires-sneaking-to-xbox-pc/)
When you think of stealthy individuals, a few things come to mind: Snake, Sam, Garrett and, of course, vampires. Kalypso and developer RealmForge are really banking on that last one with their upcoming stealth title, Dark. The game "puts players in the role of a vampire out to discover the secrets of the mysterious global GeoForge Corporation."

Players will use their vampiric abilities – such as the power to turn into smoke and vanish – in order to take out enemies and generally be sneaky. Also aiding in the sneakiness: A hoodie. Dark is scheduled to arrive on PC and Xbox in early 2013 and, one way or another, it's going to suck.

Because vampires, get it?
