View Full Version : MediEvil on PSP

March 30th, 2005, 16:47
MediEvil was a bit of a cult classic on PSone but skipped the PS2 generation to, it eventually turned out, end up weaving its action-platform magic on Sony's PSP. Hurrah for Sir Daniel Fortesque. Hurrah for PSP owners - or "to-be" owners for us folks languishing in Europe. And three cheers for the series' uniquely British humorous overtones. New screens from MediEvil on PSP have been released.
So the story goes in MediEvil on PSP, Sir Daniel Fortesque is back to grapple with evil Sorcerer Zarok who has returned to wreak havoc and raise an undead army to unleash upon the land of Gallowmere. Zarok's magic just happens to resurrect Dan, so after failing to nobble the big Z in life (which is contrary to the rumour that a mortally wounded Dan cut him down in a battle 100 years back) he now has a second chance to defeat him - in death.

Expect a plethora of varied levels, plenty of combat moves and weapons, a generous dose of humour, multiplayer mini-games and WiFi compatible multiplayer support . Oh, and a Voodoo Witch who acts as an in-game help system.

March 30th, 2005, 21:51
sounds good, i'll put it on the list to buy...

So many games so little money :(