View Full Version : Barnes & Noble Cuts Prices on Nook Color, Tablet

August 13th, 2012, 09:45
In perhaps one answer to the question of how tablet makers will react (https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/12/08/12/1443206/how-will-amazon-barnes-noble-survive-the-ipad-mini) to a more crowded market for small screen tablets, the L.A. Times reports that Barnes and Noble is dropping the price on its Nook tablet (http://www.latimes.com/technology/la-fi-tn-nook-tablet-20120812,0,3103208.story) by 10 percent, undercutting the Amazon Kindle Fire by $20. The company's Nook Color is also shedding $20, and will now cost $149. I' glad to hear it; I've been using a Nexus 7 lately, and finding the size (like a trade paperback, including a protective case) far handier and more often used than any of the 10" tablets I've tried.