View Full Version : Using more than 1 plugin?

March 11th, 2007, 15:52
Righty then,

I want to use a few plugins.

I know how to do it with the vsh text file


that works

I had a idea of making a folder inside the seplugins folder and i put in the vsh file this

ms0:/seplugins/*folder name*/*plugin name*

That doesnt work.

but how can i use more than one, becuase they each use a vsh file.

March 11th, 2007, 20:16
you just put them all in one vsh file just copy the text from the vsh file for the plugin needed and to the vsh file you already have on your psp just make sure its on a seperate line. you can add as many plugins as you like I have 6 Running on one vsh.

E.g ms0:/seplugins/plugin1

and so on.

March 11th, 2007, 21:05
Thank you very much dude.


March 12th, 2007, 02:54
Your welcome.