View Full Version : Wierd problem with psx games

March 12th, 2007, 22:48
I have a really strange problem with psx games etc. When I go to 'memory stick' only a single corrupted data appears then my homebrews. I have more than one psx game and I modded my fw (3.10 oe-a') but psx has been working fine until recently when it suddenly stopped working....

March 12th, 2007, 23:20
Check in your 'game' folder.

Do they all appear to be ok?

Have you installed any new plugins etc. ?

March 13th, 2007, 00:37
I had this problem with 3.10oe and it was because i installed a custom font thing is though not all custom fonts do this only some weird init that may be the problem but when i put the original back it did not cure the problem i had to recover the psp and went to 3.03oe-c pops works with font and i now have a fully custom XMB.

March 13th, 2007, 01:36
Yer i had this problem, restore all your fonts, topmenus ect. then try again... it work for me and alot of other ppl

March 14th, 2007, 13:28
Yea I did customise my font - I'll try restoring the original as soon as I find my PSP. :(

March 14th, 2007, 13:57
waves can break pops too right? because last time i tried playing a psx game it said game could not be started right as if i was corrupted or something. all i got is waves