View Full Version : DS-X Question

May 5th, 2007, 15:09
Plain and simple:

does it have a boot from slot-2 option in its menu?
Ive got a slot-2 cart and i wanna get 2GB edition of this beast when it comes out, i know the M3 Simply has this option, does the DS-Xtreme?

Cheers in advance!!!

May 5th, 2007, 19:32
If you have a slot-2 device that LoveLite works fine on, you can use your DS-X to boot Lovelite and use its restart feature, which will in effect boot your slot-2 device.

I'm not sure if the DS-X firmware has a built-in feature to do this, though I don't think it does.

Honestly, I'd really suggest against getting a DS-X, as it's overpriced for what it does, but to each his own.