View Full Version : already thinking about what's next...

the mark
July 25th, 2007, 13:05

sure JKR said never, but never is a long time.

as much as i thought the epilogue was relatively useless and should have been left out of the adult version, the new characters piqued my interest. I'd love to see albus severus potter in Slytherin and what could come of that.

we could have a whole albus (ala darth vader) thing...


what do you think?

August 7th, 2007, 18:08
she might write a new book and tells a little bit more about the end and the 19 years. And then in the same book goes on about the new generation.. (albus and all the new childrens...) would love so :)

August 8th, 2007, 14:50
Im afraid you are gonna hav to face it.

Its O V E R

Harry Potter can't go on forever. All stories hav to end, and this is the end of this one.

It would be nice if there were more...

But There wont be.

Sad but True :(

August 16th, 2007, 17:36
I thought the end of the wizarding age that was the Harry Potter series is difinitivly OVER. There might be a few spin-off's like Star Wars (Hundreds of extra stories between and after AND before the movies etc.)

But Yeah the Harry Potter we all know and love has left the building.