View Full Version : Just felt like writing something.

September 26th, 2007, 08:09
Hiya guys, Don't mind me. I was just feeling like writing something for the creativity of it. I dont know if sucks or not. So that's why I posted it here. I mean surely if it sucks. someone will tell me so i know to stop writing and focus on a goal more attainable, Any hoo here is, Take all the pot shots you want, I need the criticism.

Anyway. here it is. Let me have it :cool:

A long time ago, In the distant past, In a time so long forgotten... Even the eldest Gods wonder if it was illusion or reality, All the stars in all the heavens met and became one. All energies entwined with each other, Even time itself was no exception, All things met and became one. All life and all things had forsaken the space the universe called its home. How the darkness wept for the lost love the stars used to shin upon it. No one knows how long the darkness was alone. eons, eternities, It was all the same as time its self had forsaken the dark empty space. Broken and alone the darkness became bitter. Its own pain manifest into vile beings that cursed and attacked the light. They celebrated their masters pain. For it gave them life. The Empty darkness so cold and lonely, Slept for a time...

Who knows just how long the darkness slumbered, All eternity, Forever... Who can measure time and put worth upon it..The Darkness awoke to painful screams of torment, The vile creations Of the darkness. Had Attacked the light in It's slumber. And scattered its remains across all the dimension and space. So hurt was the darkness so bitterly and utterly destroyed was it's beautiful love the light. Everything That Gave it reason and perpess...Destroied By its own seed. So devastated was the darkness that Its own love and pain. sprang fourth from its essence and attacked the vile creatures. destroying all that stood in its way.

Calm came over the universe. But the darkness still wept. In time the darkness slumbered once more. weeping and writhing in unbearable pain for its loss. Its tears became manifest into the Gods that rule the universe we know today.If you look up at the night sky, Some say you can still see the darkness crying in its sleep.

Its' children have Grown up and had children of their own they have created new civilizations full of life all throughout eternity,for eons and eons.... Gods? Remnants of a fallen deities. Who's to say. What they are. What we are as their own creations. What will the darkness think when it awakens and sees a universe full of life that's its children created.. in loving memory of its Eternally slumbering mother.


September 26th, 2007, 08:39
It's sic dude, sounds like something out of Kingdom Hearts :D

I love all that darkness talk.... :D

September 26th, 2007, 09:41
i didnt read it all cause it was boring....

September 26th, 2007, 09:47
kingdom hearts much?

September 26th, 2007, 15:27
It was really good, but you kinda go over the same points more than you need to!

September 26th, 2007, 16:08

I wanna hear about destruction and overlords and the end of the world! Maybe next time? :p