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View Full Version : loading .tap files in dreamfrodo

July 23rd, 2005, 08:02
Hi all,

dumb question, could someone please explain how I get tape files to start in dreamfrodo. I load them then I dont now how to run them.



July 23rd, 2005, 08:27
i dont know if tap files are supported not that i remember anyways

July 23rd, 2005, 08:28
oh ok thanks! its just that it has the option to load them and it seems to load them ok, just dont know how to run it once its loaded?

July 23rd, 2005, 10:54
yes the .t64 work.
PUSH START \drives\8\insert tape
you see the root cd and select "CD" see the games and select a game.t64 push A button.

if you select INSERT DISK and select a game.t64 don't work
remember insert tape the game you put them in the root of cd
I hope of help you bye.

July 23rd, 2005, 23:51
Thanks DARKGATE! I can get that far but how do I then run the game??

July 24th, 2005, 00:09
i dont know if tap files are supported not that i remember anyways

Sorry Eric meant .t64 (Tape) files.

July 25th, 2005, 10:26
thanks got it too work using the auto loader!