View Full Version : Images out of order - how to sort?

August 4th, 2005, 13:34
I love my PSP. I have got it filled with my favorite anime, tv shows, movies, video clips, ebooks... porn, and manga resized to fit on the PSP screen.

My problem is this!
Regardless, it seems, of how I copy files to my PSP or its Memory Stick, even if my files are very nicely and neatly named in sequential order (image001.jpg, image002.jpg, image003.jpg ....), there will always be some pics out of order.

How on earth can I force them to be sorted alphabetically so that they'll come up in the proper order? Is there some trick to it?

August 4th, 2005, 16:51
if you alphabetically list them, image01.jpg ang image010.jpg would be next to each other.

August 4th, 2005, 21:48
I think the default PSP viewer sorts by the "last modified" date of the files. I've not used PSPhoto, but it looks like that program will create files in alphabetical order so it would work correctly on PSP. Of course, that program is meant for resizing the images, so if you've already got them the size you want them, it would end up re-compressing them resulting in somewhat of a lower quality.

Alternately, if you've got a pre-1.51 PSP and aren't married to the default image viewer, "JPEG Viewer" goes in alphabetical order by default, and is nicer than the built-in image viewer in a few ways.

August 11th, 2005, 10:38
Well, I have tried a bunch of different things, but so far as I can tell, the PSP does not sort by modified timestamp, nor by filename.
It sorts the images based on the order they appear on disk, I believe. Which is a drag because Windows copies files in whatever order it thinks best, more or less, which is not necessary sequentially or any other order that makes sense to you and me.

But, I found a much better way around this, I just use the Jpeg Viewer. Faster, sorts filenames correctly, multiple bookmarks, can be set from 222 to 333 MHz... Best of all, no refocus time when panning or scrolling over an image.

October 1st, 2005, 14:31
PSP 2.0 sorts images by last modified date, if all images have the same modified date it reverts to alphabetically sorting.
Any versions prior to this do not follow a sorting pattern I can determine, definitely use JPEG viewer, I find it much better.