View Full Version : Want to see three minutes of Tiberium gameplay?

January 29th, 2008, 23:47
Of course you do. Straight out of EA, here's three minutes of delicious gameplay from Tiberium, the FPS take on the Command and Conquer series, for you to peruse. We had hoped the most prominent visual feature would be a massive, god-like player ever present in the sky, cutting a swath across the battlefield with his gigantic, scythe-like pointer, the deafening sound of clicks echoing above the gunfire. We were, as you can see, disappointed.

The footage here looks pretty good though, despite the fact that the size of the gun and the rocking motion gives the illusion that that player is riding in a large, well-armed canoe. What do you you think?


January 31st, 2008, 01:39
Lol a canoe, thats definitely right, but the game still looks good.