Homebrew News

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  1. Molyneux "pretty ashamed" at Fable III review scores

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Peter Molyneux has spoken in detail about his experiences working on Fable III, admitting disappointment at the end result and implying that the development process at Lionhead Studios will change significantly as a result.

    Speaking to Gamasutra, Molyneux was asked how he felt about Fable III failing to reach the critical and commercial goals (of 5 million units sold) he had originally set out for it. The veteran designer began by lamenting the short development period, which at less
  2. Mortal Kombat Kenshi DLC release date

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The Mortal Kombat Kenshi downloadable content launches on 5th July, Warner Bros. has announced.

    That's a Tuesday, and relates to the DLC's Xbox Live launch. In Europe on the PlayStation Network it goes a day later, on Wednesday 6th July.

    At least, that's what we hope. The Mortal Kombat Skarlet DLC was mysteriously absent from the European PlayStation Store following its US launch.

    Kenshi is a blind swordsman who made his debut in Mortal Kombat: Deadly
  3. BioWare: We want to continue Mass Effect series

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    BioWare co-founders Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka have discussed the "very, very broad" possibilities for the future of the Mass Effect franchise.

    In fact, the studio is already hammering out the details for continuing the franchise, the pair told Forbes.

    "Certainly the setting has really resonated with people, the type of aliens in the world, the type of people that inhabit space," Zeschuk said in an interview, adding that unsurprisingly, the main
  4. TomTom's iPhone App gets updated, brings HD traffic updates along for the ride

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Hate gridlock? We'd surmise you aren't alone, so pardon our excitement surrounding the latest addition to TomTom's longstanding iPhone app. New in version 1.8 is the addition of HD Traffic, which extends congestion data to both "major" and "secondary" US roads. Existing TomTom Traffic subscribers get the functionality gratis, with the rest of us dishing out $20 via an in-app purchase. Free for all who upgrade are multi-stop routes, allowing one to tweak excursions to your heart's
  5. Jeff Minter bounces 'Deflex' to iOS

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Psychedelic shooter designer Jeff Minter has followed Minotaur Rescue and Minitron 2112 with a third iOS game, with no minotaurs in sight. Deflex is a puzzle game in which players set down "bats," left- and right-slanted lines, off of which a ball bounces into on-screen items. Each time the ball connects, the bat changes direction, leading to a complicated strategy for success -- or, if you're like us, a lot of random placement and hoping. It's adapted from a 1982 Llamasoft game called
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Apr 2003
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