Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Canabalt makes the jump to PlayStation Minis

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Canabalt, the deceptively addictive single-button platformer from Adam Saltsman, is available for PS3, Vita and PSP as a PlayStation Mini in Europe right now, and is set to hit next week in the US. Canabalt costs £1.74/€1.99/AU $3.45.

    Canabalt has already made its run as a free Flash game and an iOS title, and Saltsman (or Mr. Atomic, as we assume he sometimes prefers) is hard at work on the official
  2. Rumor: Shenmue 1 and 2 HD finished, hitting XBLA/PSN

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    All right, before we go any further than that headline up there, we want everyone playing along at home to go to the kitchen and bring back one of those big cardboard cylinders of Morton's salt with the little metal flap on top.

    Got it? Okay great, because you're going to need more than a grain for this one: HD versions of Shenmue 1 and 2 have been completed for more than a year and are pending release
  3. Here's the Japanese Pokemon Black/White Version 2 box art

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Pokemon Black/White Version 2 are slated to hit Japanese DSes this June, with a North American release later this fall. If previous titles are any indication, this Japanese box art should be roughly analogous to what we'll get in our stores, as hungry Pokemaniacs ravage the land of its resources.
  4. New Mortal Kombat trailer shows off Vita-centric gameplay

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Mortal Kombat is a fairly tried and true formula by fighting game standards, but what happens when you introduce the Vita's massive array of sensors into the mix? As this latest trailer shows, the results can get positively wacky.

    Fear not though, fighting purists. Most of the truly outrageous stuff, like tilting the Vita to balance Skarlett over a pit of spikes while skulls are thrown at her, is relegated to the Vita-specific Challenge Tower, which introduces 150 new trials and tribulations
  5. Time Warner Cable brings 26 local NYC channels to iOS app, website

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    While it may not be the good news the Android army was hoping for, TWC's got some Big Apple-sized bits to share. Via its Untangled blog, Time Warner announced it's finally adding local channels to itsiPhone / iPad app and TWCTV site, including CBS, NBC, FOX, ABC and Univision (because you can never have enough novelas). Unfortunately, the goodies won't be up for everyone's viewing pleasure, as the additions
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Apr 2003
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