Homebrew News

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  1. BF3 Team Deathmatch max 24 players

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Battlefield 3's Team Deathmatch mode supports a maximum of 24 players on all platforms.
    The mode does not support vehicles, BF3blogreports.
    Instead, Team Deathmatch is focused on tight infantry portions of regular maps.
    Battlefield 3's Conquest mode, on the other hand, supports 64 players on PC.
    As BF3blog noted, the maps in Team Deathmatch are tighter than they are in Conquest mode, with more focused and intense gameplay.
    It also compared the 24-player limit to Battlefield:
  2. Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown headed to XBLA and PSN in summer 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The pioneering Virtua Fighter series hasn't seen a release in North America since 2007. Sega just announced plans to bring the latest version of Virtua Fighter 5 over -- as a downloadable game. Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is based on the 2010 arcade version, which adds new costume options, dynamic arenas and, most importantly, "a full overhaul of Virtua Fighter 5's mechanics, balance and animations."

    19 playable characters will be available, including the sumo wrestler
  3. Sonic 4 Episode 2 rolling into place in 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    Sega has apparently joined the effort forged by Valve to change the rules of how long you can go between episodic releases, while still being allowed to call said releases "episodes." In a recent interview with Eurogamer, Sonic Team's Takashi Iikuza talked about Sonic 4, explaining, "This year, 2011, is the anniversary, so we're focusing on the celebration title." He
  4. First Bungie Aerospace project detailed, Crimson: Steam Pirates hits iPad next week

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    The very first project setting sail under the Bungie Aerospace flag is Harebrained Schemes' Crimson: Steam Pirates and it's leaving port on September 1, with its compasses pointed towards the free-to-play frontiers of the iPad. Promising turn-based gameplay coupled with a "mystery" that, as mysteries are wont to do, needs uncovering, Crimson: Steam Pirates certainly has presentation in the bag.
  5. Furmins coming to iOS in freemium and premium versions

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    If you want to pay the bare minimum when it comes to fur-related acquisitions, you'll be pleased to hear that Housemarque is planning a "freemium" version of Furmins, its upcoming creature-preservation puzzler for iOS.

    The Dead Nation developer is making it a universal app -- meaning compatibility with iThings of all sizes -- with 12 levels and support for in-app
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Apr 2003
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