Homebrew News

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  1. Skyrim: more quests, fewer branches

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim developer Bethesda is focusing on telling one story well rather than branching quests.

    You get a single story with the fantasy role-playing game, lead designer Bruce Nesmith said in a Skyrim fan interview on the Bethesda forum.

    "We've focused on telling one story well," he said. "There are decision points in all the quest lines that can change things, but overall it's a single story.

    "Because the side quests
  2. Duke Nukem sales estimates lowered on poor reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Financial analyst firm Wedbush has reported that Duke Nukem Forever's poor critical reception has led it to reduce its Q1 sell-in estimate from 3 million units to 1.5 million.

    The report cites the shooter's low Metacritic score of 49, expecting this to reduce its appeal to consumers and so damage sales. Wedbush had previously expected the Take-Two shooter to be one of 2011's biggest sellers.

    The bad news for Take-Two was somewhat offset by a positive change in the estimates
  3. PixelJunk Shooter 2 update patch released

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    PixelJunk Shooter 2 didn't strike us as an overly tough game (we like a challenge), but a new update released today seems to make efforts to pull its punches a little.

    Added options to save mid-mission are welcome, along with improved multiplayer connectivity and the ability to check if there's a hidden crystal on the current screen. We love you for that, Q-Games.

    But it's made the acidic interiors of the first-world beast easier to navigate, and added an option to
  4. Luigi's Mansion 2: The sequel you forgot you wanted

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The biggest cheer heard at Nintendo's E3 conference was an oddly heartwarming one. For a character frequently the butt of in-jokes and consistently overshadowed by his more famous brother, this was a watershed moment.

    For three minutes, the limelight was all his. It was the kind of occasion that would make for an uplifting piece of cinema - if only the subject involved were real.

    Granted, the surprise factor played a part. Arriving after a quartet of trailers for games
  5. Far Cry 3 ten times larger than FC2

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    If you played either of the previous Far Cry games you will remember them for having vast open environments for you to explore. And Ubisoft promises Far Cry 3 will be even bigger. Much bigger.

    "If you look at the vistas and the scale of Far Cry 1 and 2, take that and multiply it by ten," narrative director Jason VandenBerghe to Edge when trying to offer an idea of the new game's scale.

    That's pretty big then, but VandenBerghe also promises this won't just
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