Homebrew News

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  1. E3 2011: Xbox Live 'too closed' for Dust 514

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    CCP chooses Sony for its open online platform
    Xbox Live is too closed for the developer of PS3 exclusive Dust 514.
    Speaking to Eurogamer during an E3 presentation, CCP CTO Halldor Fannar said: “Let’s just say that with Sony at least they have policies that allow us to build the game the way we want.”
    “That is one of the reasons why we’ve gone with PSN.”
    When asked if the title could potentially head to Xbox 360, he replied with a smirk and a “no comment.”
  2. Retro Studios assisting with Mario Kart 3DS

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    During the annual Nintendo developer roundtable, Shigeru Miyamoto casually let it drop that Metroid Prime/Donkey Kong Country Returns developer Retro Studio is helping Nintendo out with the 3DS Mario Kart game -- which, incidentally, runs at 60 frames per second.

    According to Miyamoto, Retro is collaborating on tracks, among other things. And then he joked that he wanted to call it "Super
  3. Fortune Street favors the board game fan

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Of all the surprises Nintendo tossed out during E3, none was as random as Fortune Street. And it's weird whether you know the history or not; if you don't pay attention to old imports, it's just a Mario/Dragon Quest board game for Wii, which is unquestionably bizarre. But for those of us in the know about relatively obscure crossover games, Fortune Street is the left-field localization of a series that has been a fixture in Japan since 1991: Itadaki Street.

    Itadaki Street, created
  4. Wade into new 3DS Animal Crossing media

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    Animal Crossing is one of those Nintendo series, like Pokemon, that progresses glacially. If anything is a little different from a previous game, it's a big deal -- and, frankly, puts us on edge a little. Just because we're really used to spending a lot of time in there.

    For the new 3DS edition, Nintendo went in and taught the lil' avatars to swim. You can now go into the water! And even more
  5. Professor Layton and the Last Specter coming to North America

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    It didn't make it onto Nintendo's stage presentation, or really any kind of announcement, but many of you have probably already solved the puzzle of whether Nintendo is localizing Professor Layton and the Last Specter for DS. Imagine us pointing our finger dramatically when we say ... it is!

    Nintendo quietly released a trailer and screens for the localized fourth entry, the first of a new trilogy set before the three games that have already come out. The media does not include anything
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Apr 2003
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