Homebrew News

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  1. No internet link needed for Witcher 2

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    A permanent internet connection will not be necessary to play forthcoming PC RPG The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, developer CD Projekt has revealed.

    The announcement came during the CDP Conference in Warsaw, as Tweeted on the official game feed.
    You will need a one-time net connection when you get started to confirm you have "a legit copy of the game" but after that you can play internet-free.
    The developer also confirmed that the game will be available without
  2. Candella defends Alien Jihad game

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Candella Software has defended its controversial video game Alien Jihad to Eurogamer this afternoon.

    Alien Jihad was announced for PC, iOS devices, Android and home consoles this morning.
    The premise? A peaceful Earth - where Palestinians and Israelis "party together"; Saudi Arabia booms with mini-skirts; the US, Iran and North Korea create the Axis of Peace; Afghanistan is named the world's safest place; Somalia's economy swells largest; France welcomes back Roma travellers;
  3. Mario & Sonic at London Olympics sighted?

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Mario & Sonic at the 2012 London Olympics is on the way, if leaked art is to be believed.

    Two placeholder sleeves dug up at Sonic Stadiumshow logos for a new Olympics game and something called Sonic Generations – most likely the game that SEGA posted a teaser trailer for earlier this week.
    If legitimate, it wouldn't come as too much of a surprise - a new Olympics title was hinted at last year by a Spanish SEGA rep.
    When contacted by Eurogamer for a confirm/denial, a
  4. Fable III difficulty increased on PC

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Fable III will be a more difficult game on PC, Lionhead has revealed - because desktop gamers relish the challenge.

    "On Fable from the beginning I can remember sitting in a room with Peter [Molyneux] and him being very explicit with me that... I believe the direct quote, if I remember correctly, was, 'I want a blind child to be able to win this game with their feet,'" PC Fable III lead designer Josh Atkins toldRock Paper Shotgun."Clearly, that's an ambition, a general
  5. You can buy SWTOR gold/credits now

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Companies selling Star Wars: The Old Republic currency for real-world money have begun hawking their wares - months before the game's projected launch.

    Popular gold seller IGXE (Internet Game Exchange) press released its SWTOR service today. IGXE offers a placeholder price of £650 for 1000 SWTOR credits.
    Expand the search for SWTOR credits/gold to Google and a thriving pre-release market appears: website addresses include starwarscredit.com, swtorforsale.com, swtorsell.com, swtorgolds.com,
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Apr 2003
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