Homebrew News

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  1. Quarrel Xbox Live Arcade release date

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Celebrated iPhone puzzle game Quarrel arrives on Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday, 25th January, publisher UTV Ignition has announced.Quarrel merges, to great success, the lexical-scoring of Scrabble with the territoral acquisition of Risk. Eurogamer's Quarrel iPhone review awarded 9/10, and the Scottish BAFTAs declared it Game of the Year.The XBLA version of Quarrel will cost 400 MSP (£3.40), and features four-player multiplayer via Xbox Live. There are also leaderboards and Achievements, and you
  2. Warriors Orochi 3 to get Western release

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The third entry in Tecmo Koei's big-in-Japan button masher series Warriors Orochi is to get a Western release.The publisher's European community manager confirmed that localisation is underway, via a post on his Twitter feed earlier today.He added that an official announcement is due later this week.True to series tradition, the game sees you slicing your way through vast armies with a variety of weapons and power-ups. The Japanese trailer below should give you an idea of exactly what lies in wait.
  3. Mario Party 9 release date announced

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Wii minigame collection Mario Party 9 arrives in stores on 2nd March, Nintendo has announced.The latest entry in the long-running series features 80 minigames and a variety of different modes.New additions this time out are co-operative boss battles and Party Adventure Mode, which sees up to four players traversing the board in a vehicle while attempting to railroad opposition onto more challenging squares.It's the first run-out for the franchise since the equally dreary Mario Party DS and Mario Party 8
  4. Nintendo doesn't plan on fixing Maka Wahu track in Mario Kart 7

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    "Wuhu Island" may sound like an innocuous place, but it's apparently rife withdirty, dirty cheaters. And that cheating doesn't sound like it's stopping anytime soon, with Nintendo telling StickTwiddlers that the island's "Maka Wuhu" track in Mario Kart 7 won't be patched or updated to fix the glaring glitch found at the start.

    "We are aware that it is possible to navigate a certain part of the track in Wuhu Island in a way that allows a large part of the course
  5. Smash 'N' Survive collides with PSN this February

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Indian studio Version 2 Games will bring a new PSN title to PS3 on February 9:Smash 'n' Survive, a game based on the life of comedian Gallagher. Oh, no, sorry, it's actually a car combat game.

    Players choose one of 30 "brutal concept cars, including muscle, agile, monster, buggy and SUV vehicles," and race across a selection of ten maps, attempting to destroy one another with flamethrowers, "magneto pulsars," and other exotic implements. Game modes like group derby,
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