Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Harmonix unveils Vidrhythm

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    A trademark filing in July outed Harmonix's next project, an iOS app called Vidrhythm, with the developer at first refusing to reveal anything about it beyond a curt "it will be awesome" and later moving to correct reports that described it as a game instead of an app. At last weekend's PAX event in Seattle, Vidrhythm was formally unveiled as an earnestly lo-fi music video generator: it records a succession of short video clips of users making various sound effects and stitches them together.
  2. Majesco licenses Twister for Kinect

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Majesco shares rose seven per cent following the announcement of a Kinect game based on Hasbro's Twister, which is set for release in November. With support for up to eight players, Twister will feature 16 game modes in all, including one based directly on the original game. Majesco's chief marketing officer, Christina Glorioso, said: "This is using your full body as a game piece," presumably willing us all to ignore the fact that the 45-year-old original game is as well

  3. XBLA Radiant Silvergun dated

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Developer Treasure's website confirms that the long-awaited Xbox Live Arcade release of its beloved Saturn shooter will launch on September 14, costing 1200 Microsoft Points. We've contacted Microsoft to ask if that's a worldwide release date, and will update when we hear more

  4. Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure for 3DS

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The publisher announced Rhythm Thief earlier this month in its Japanese guise, which translates as Rhythm Phantom Thief R: Inheritance of the Emperor Napoleon, but has confirmed a western localisation - and, thankfully, a shorter name - in a press release this afternoon. The game casts players as Raphael, the titular thief, on a quest to discover the truth behind his father's disappearance in Paris with a blend of puzzle-solving and rhythm action. While the visuals may draw inspiration from Level-5's
  5. Bioware 'greatly expanding the pool of testers' for Star Wars: The Old Republic

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    Rejoice potential padawan! Bioware announced at its PAX Star Wars: The Old
    panel that it will roll out a whole slew of beta invites to
    appease your debilitating midichlorian habit. Starting September 2, keep an eye on your
    inbox, as the company will periodically send them out during the month.

    They will, however, still limit the number of day one copies
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