Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops preview: Walk slowly and carry a big gun

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    At first, I felt odd when I walked away from a hands-on co-op session of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 earlier today at Gamescom. My colleague Alexander and I had just spent the past 20 minutes carefully defusing IEDs (Improvised ExplosiveDevices, for those of you who don't watch US broadcast news) and murdering potential assailants in a Berlin Spec Ops map, part of a mission named "Invisible Threat."
  2. Dance Central sales step up to 2.5M, Kinect Sports kickin' it with 3M

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    Kinect Sports and Dance Central have reached 3 million and 2.5 million unit sales, respectively, says Microsoft's Michael Johnson, global marketing director for Kinect games, told us at Gamescom earlier today. Dance Central has performed stronger in North America, while Kinect Sports has found a larger audience in Europe.

    Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg called the two games Kinect's "
  3. Star Wars: The Old Republic launch copies artificially limited at launch

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    In an attempt to prevent its servers from collapsing under the weight of a million Force-hungry MMO-players, EA will artificially limit the number of copies -- both digital and retail -- of Star Wars: The Old Republic available at launch. An EA representative reportedly revealed the strategy at a Gamescom demo, but didn't divulge any details such as how many copies would be available, or how long
  4. Skyrim will feature Steamworks support, also an adorable dog

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    A recently released packshot of the PC version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrimcarried a Games for Windows masthead, leaving some of the gaming community worried that it would also use the Games for Windows Live DRM system. Apparently, that's not the case: Bethesda's Pete Hines confirmed to PC Gamer that it wouldn't use GFWL, and the company's official Twitter account double confirmed that it would
  5. 3DS 'Tekken 3D Prime Edition' comes with Blood Vengeance movie

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    We've seen almost nothing about the 3DS Tekken game, except for a flash of footage during Nintendo's E3 stage presentation. Namco Bandai has released a new trailer of the game now called Tekken 3D Prime Edition, allowing us to see just how much body glistening Namco has been able to generate with the 3DS hardware. It's more glistening than you'd probably expect!

    Namco also revealed that the 3D movie Tekken Blood Vengeance will be included on the cartridge, making it the first feature-length
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