Homebrew News

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  1. Yes, of course Shigeru Miyamoto is involved in Super Mario 3D Land

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    Like with previous Mario titles, the little plumber's creator is once again involved in Nintendo's next project, Super Mario 3D Land. In a recent Famitsu interview (translated by 1UP), Shigeru Miyamoto explains his role as "general producer" on the title, saying that he was uninvolved until about halfway through the project. "I kept my distance from the project at first,
  2. XIII: Lost Identity is an 'interactive story,' not a shooter

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    We're gonna tear this one off like a Band-Aid, dear readers: The recently uncovered installment in the XIII franchise looks to be a far cry from the game which preceded it. Developer Anuman Interactive revealed a handful of screens from XIII: Lost Identity, which appears to be a puzzle-adventure game set in the world of the game, and expands on the lore established by the franchise's comic book
  3. Sony, EA backtrack on Battlefield 1943 promise

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Sony and EA have reneged on a promise to include Battlefield 1943 with all PlayStation 3 copies of Battlefield 3.
    The move was announced at Sony's E3 press conference in July, where Jack Tretton said that making use of the extra storage space on Blu-ray discs meant the PS3 release of Battlefield 3 would represent "one of the most exciting games of the year bundled free with one of the most popular PSN games."
    After gamers in North America - where Battlefield 3 was released
  4. SCEE "working hard" on Payday: The Heist

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Sony says it is still working to get Payday: The Heist ready for release in Europe, a week after the game launched on the US PlayStation Store.
    In a post on the PlayStation Blog revealing this week's PS Store update, Sony's Andy Stewart writes: "We are close to being able to confirm the release date of Payday: The Heist and are just waiting for SOE to provide 100 per cent confirmation, which we hope will be with us later today.
    "SCEE and SOE are working hard to get the game
  5. PapayaMobile's Social Game Engine now on iOS

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Social gaming network PapayaMobile's Social Game Engine and Social SDK are now available on iOS.
    "While we've experienced great success and growth by mainly focusing on the Android platform since our launch in 2008, we feel that now is the right time to expand our offerings to the iOS market," said CEO Si Shen.
    "Both iOS and Android are here to stay and the release of our iOS toolset allows our developers to maximize user engagement and distribution through our cross-platform
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Apr 2003
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