Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Eve Online: the controversy, the economy and the coming Inferno

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Today, gritty science fiction MMO Eve Online is famous for many things: its player-driven, emergent gameplay, its complex virtual economy, and, perhaps most of all, its daytime telly quality drama. But nine years ago today, Eve Online was famous for nothing. It was a fledgling persistent world made by a little known Icelandic developer with big ideas but no guarantees. Since then, every year, it has grown. And now, Eve is on the cusp of becoming something even greater: a PC MMO that interacts with
  2. Dungeon Defenders headlines new Indie Royale bundle

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Indie Royale has broken out a brand new bundle for the month of May, with five big games for a tiny price. This time around, the great MOBA/RPG mashupDungeon Defenders is included in the bunch, along with Containment: The Zombie Puzzler (which is of course a zombie puzzler), abstract arcade racerData Jammers: FastForward, trippy falling game Brainpipe, and the indie space sim sequel Weird Worlds: Return to
  3. Kirby's Pinball Land rated in Australia

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Kirby's Pinball Land, which as you'll recall was a Game Boy title from the early 90s, has been given a "General" rating by the Australian Classification Board, which is completely unsurprisingly given the game's adorable subject matter. What is surprising, however, is the fact that this game was classified at all, considering the fact that it hasn't really been announced or anything.

    It's possible that Kirby's Pinball Land is coming to the eShop in the land down under, but
  4. Exploring the beta and beyond in Guild Wars 2

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    In a time when all MMORPGs charged a monthly subscription fee, Guild Warswas the shining light that said a monthly payment wasn't the only future for the genre. For enthusiasts of the first game in the series, ArenaNet didn't need to change much in Guild Wars 2, but the upcoming title adds upon the instanced gameplay of the original by adding events and making the universe feel more alive than ever before.
  5. Jam Live Music Arcade launches the week of May 16

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Those dusty, old, cobweb-ridden, spider-infested peripheral instruments collecting mold and animal dander in your living room corner may soon see some use, as Zivix and Reverb Publishing's Jam Live Music Arcade is now set to pump up your 360/PS3's jams and/or volume sometime during the week of May 16.

    If you made the space-saving decision to rid your apartment of its plastic instruments long ago, you'll still be able to remix tracks from the likes of Atmosphere and Rise Against with
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Apr 2003
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