Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Activision: why Xbox 360 gets Call of Duty Elite maps first

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Some silly old sausages have "convinced themselves" that having a Call of Duty Elite subscription means they are entitled to maps on PC and PlayStation 3 at the same time as on Xbox 360.Like gasp! Not true - as Activision's Dan Amrich was at pains to explain on his blog."Somewhere along the way, people convinced themselves that an Elite subscription would trump the 2010 DLC exclusivity deal that was created before Elite existed; that by paying for Elite, they were somehow invalidating
  2. C&C: Renegade remake Renegade X: Black Dawn deploys tomorrow

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Here at Joystiq, we pride ourselves on being inside your mind, knowing what it wants, knowing what it thinks. We're like a somewhat creepier, less linguisticBabel Fish. The one thing your brain has been demanding is an updated version of 2002's Command & Conquer: Renegade.

    We'd like to bring to your attention Renengade X: Black Dawn, a "spiritual successor" created by fans at Totem Arts. Tomorrow, the group will release the full single-player "mini-campaign,"
  3. Microsoft files complaint over fake Halo 4 beta domain

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Believe it or not, there are evil people on the Internet who use misinformation and deception to steal from the innocent and well-meaning. We know, we couldn't believe it either, but it's the truth, as recently demonstrated by an outbreak of fake Halo 4 beta test invites.

    343 Industries' creative director David Ellis was quick to debunk the bogus site, but the URL used in the phishing scam (halo4beta
  4. Capcom announces Ace Attorney 5, HD iOS versions of 1-3

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    At a 10th anniversary event for the Ace Attorney series in Tokyo, Capcom officially announced Ace Attorney 5, revealing the above logo. No specifics about the game were offered, including date, platform, or characters -- and there's no character silhouette in the logo to show us who the star is. All we know is that there is one, and we have to start presenting our case for a localization to Capcom.

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Apr 2003
Nottingham, England
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