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Sony UK splashes £3m on Resistance 3

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Sony is pulling out all the stops to make Resistance 3 a September blockbuster, with a whopping £3m marketing spend.
The PS3 exclusive hits shelves on September 9th, backed by a special outdoor event, as well as ads on TV, in cinemas, online and in print.
TV ads have been running throughout August and will continue this month, along with 60-second cinema spots at the start of summer movie blockbusters such as The Inbetweeners. There will be takeovers on a range of websites and giant outdoor sites across the UK, such as a 14-day takeover of Oxford Circus 5-Ways on the Underground.
“Resistance 3 is a key title for SCE UK this autumn,” marketing director Alan Duncan told MCV. “The title is a leap forward for the series and lives up to the kind of rich experience consumers expect from our PS3 titles. The campaign is designed to reflect and amplify these qualities.
“We are investing heavily in Resistance 3 marketing to ensure it achieves its full potential. Many elements of the campaign use the distinctive artwork of the game’s packaging created by designer Olly Moss, allowing us to achieve real stand-out and consistency.”
An event devised by theatre group Punchdrunk is letting attendees take part in Resistance 3-themed activities at London Waterloo.


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