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Tomb Raider to be promoted with real world geocaching treasure hunt

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics have announced a partnership with Geocaching.com to promote Tomb Raider. What's geocaching, you ask? Essentially, it's a modern day form of treasure hunting, in which participants use GPS to uncover "geocaches" hidden across the globe by other enthusiasts.

Later this year, the promotion promises "a series of unique location-based adventures" in the spirit of Lara's own lust for precious artifacts. The promotion will use a combination of Geocaching.com's own app and "a photo-based adventure project" called Geocaching Challenges from Groundspeak.com. Presumably, would-be tomb raiders will be hunting for objects related to Lara and her adventures, though there's no hint as to what these treasures will be -- we can only hope that scions are involved.


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