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ESRB rating for Darkstalkers 3 points to PSN release

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Capcom's classic Darkstalkers 3 will soon save vampires via the PlayStation Network, assuming that we're correctly inferring the ESRB's recently administered Teen rating for PlayStation 3 and Vita versions of the title. We suppose it's not a physical impossibility that Capcom would rerelease boxed versions of a 14 year old fighter, but we're hedging our bets on digital distribution.

Originally released in 1998, Darkstalkers 3 (or Vampire Savior: EX Edition in Japan) is the third title in the Darkstalkers series, after Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (also available on PSN) and Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge. While it may not be the contemporary series reboot we pray for every night, we suppose a PSN rerelease is better than no brand movement at all. Still, we can't help but sigh wistfully whenever we see Morrigan in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. So close, and yet, so far.


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