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Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 release date leaked - report

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
This year's entry in the Call of Duty franchise is a direct sequel to Treyarch's 2010 Cold War-focused Black Ops and arrives in stores on 13th November, according to a retailer leak.An image of PS3 and Xbox 360 pre-order cards for US chain Target posted by IGN is the source of the info.This shouldn't come as a huge surprise to anybody - every single Call of Duty game to date has launched during the month of November with the exception of the very first installment, which released on 29th October 2003.First indication that we'd be getting a straight Black Ops sequel came via a rapidly-pulledAmazon France listing back in February.An official reveal is scheduled for 1st May during the NBA play-offs in the US.

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