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Hitman: Absolution release date confirmed for November 20th

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Retail is in for a busy November, with Square Enix confirming its Hitman: Absolution will arrive in the midst of the Q4 boom time for games.
The latest game in the acclaimed series is due on November 20th.
It is yet another game due on a Tuesday. Already this year Devil May Cry HD, Kinect Star Wars, The Witcher 2 and Prototype 2 have been released on a Tuesday rather than a traditional Friday. Other games set for a Tuesday release includes Assassin's Creed III, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, Diablo III, Sniper 2, Halo 4, Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Resident Evil 6.
November 20th WAS the release date of Resident Evil 6, before the game was pulled forward to October 2nd.
Square Enix confirmed the news today as part of a bigger announcement detailing its plan to offer a downloadable spin-off - playable from Tuesday next week - to anyone who pre-orders the game.


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