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  • DCEmu Games Reviews Latest News

    by Published on June 3rd, 2008 00:48


    Publisher: Tecmo
    Developer: Team Ninja
    Genre: Third-Person Action
    Number of Players: 1
    Price: $15 (can be downloaded to xbox 360 hard drive)
    or $10 if you can find a used copy in a store.


    You play as a ninja by the name of "Ryu Hayabusa" and start out with a "special" sword, you later unlock more weapons and moves as you SLOWLY progress through the game by violently slaying fiends (demons, monsters, evil creatures, my LMS teacher, call them what you will) with well lasting AND animated combos.

    This kunai smells funny


    The gameplay is simple, go in a room, get killed, go in it again, and try to survive by locating patterns in you'r eneimes movements, block and counter attack when needed, or simply smash every face button on the controller and hope for the best, as the enemies fall, they will drop orbs that can ethr give you health or money to upgrade your character.

    Aside from having weapons, you also have magic called "NIMPO" you can preform this spells when you are found in a difficult situation as they will assure you a critical hit on an enemy, even on one of those amongst the most law defying fiends. But use them with caution, as this "NIMPO" will not come back on their own, you have to recharge them with a potion that costs money.

    Hmmm....is it just me, or is the big guys face inside out.


    This game looks better then most if not all wii games out there, seriousley, I am very surprized by what the regular xbox can do, the level of detail on ryu is astonishing, from the metal plate on his head, down to the kunais found at the side of his legs, everything is very well polished and well thought out animations can only help.

    CLICK THE LINK TO VIEW THE PICTURE (it ecceeded the 500 pixels width rule)


    Depending on what weapon you choose to adopt as your own, you will hear different sounds, if you have a sword you will hear constant metal bashing against the your oponent's armor, if you choose a staff you will hear the sound of wood banging against whatever it is that you wish to hit with it, tho one thing you will always hear, is the sound of wind being broken by the peed of your attacks.

    The background song MUST fit in well with the game due to the fact that i don't remember hearing one .


    Once you are done with the game on normal difficulty, you can always go back and beat it on hard to unlock new costumes, other then that, i see no other reason to.


    This game is going to spit on your face and laugh at you while you are naked because you just saw ryu's big breasted friend. The cutscenes are the most cinematic and well preformed I have ever seen in a game making you wish they were longer.

    so, ya doin anything this saturday?

    I give this game:
    by Published on June 1st, 2008 19:36

    Because we all know exactly how it is, just to reinforce your state of mind about this game, since it hasn't really been released in Europe...

    This is the reason I bought a Wii

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl
    Publisher: Nintendo
    Developer: Nintendo in correlation with Game Arts
    Players: 1-4
    Genre: Fighting
    Wifi: Yes

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the third entry to one of the highest rated and best selling fighting games of all time, finally makes its way to the States, and soon Europe. Featuring a list of over 35 of your favorite Nintendo IPs, Brawl's maniacal furious fighting finally hits home. We all knew it was gonna be good, but just how good is it?

    A story without a word
    While Brawl never really does have a official(per-say) storyline, Adventure mode is a 8-10 hour journey that, for the most part, is the storyline. The story is such a jumbled mess that you can't help but just think "wow...are you joking? This is awesome!" In this story, you go through all 37 playable characters who are all taken straight from Nintendo's famous-franchise patent corner. They all learn, through one way or another, that they must help each other to fight off the invaders, to save not only themselves but all that they know. Now getting to the header--in this story, the characters never actually speak (with the exception of Sonic) which at first seems annoying, but once yo think about it, would Mario really sound like Mario if he was going over formulated battle plans in a high-pitched Italian accent? No. Yet, many of these characters do have voices, so the argument could be turned either way. In any case, the story really makes no sense, but it has to be that way in order to incorporate 1) People who live in a Mushroom(of all things) Kingdome, 2) People who live in a war of conspiracies and stealth, and 3) to incorporate people at one time lived as an animal in Mobius who live at the speed of sound. Get the picture? (It took me a while too) Oh, and this game has Wiinternet capabilities, meaning you can slash and bash your best friends over the Wiinternet. But be warned-- don't exceed 4 different consoles, or you will get lag like you've never lagged before. However, classic one-on-ones have narry a bit of lag, so should you limit it, you have no problem on the Wiinternet. Just be careful when you choose to play random players--games don't start till theres four, and that means massive lag.

    Sonic and Dedede.

    The Wii's Finest
    With the exception of Super Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros. is the best looking Wii game out there. Character Models are absolutely splendid, and seeing many of your favorite Ninty characters for the first time in full 3D is really something else. These are the characters at the top of their game and style right here. The effects of each characters Ultimate attacks, from Mario's fire to Sonic's insanely fast Super Sonic speed all are done without a hitch, giving this game some of the best visual effects that Ninty has ever done. Animations, while fluid and work fine, could have been a little more...expressive. Explosive? its hard to find the right word, but they just seem too...overdone, seeing as almost all of Mario's (example) repertoire is straight out of the first Smash bros. This really isn't a problem so much as a fan annoyance. So far I've been ranting on about the great foregrounds and amazing effects, but what about the backgrounds? Good. But not great. Now, before you put a bullet into my head (Put the gun down please!) the backgrounds look fantastic. They are varied, and colorful and what not. But after playing each one a few hundred times, they get a little repetitive. And Adventure mode's backgrounds ARE repetitive, I'm not even gonna try to save them. But heres the deal--when your beating the crap out of the other players, who is gonna be looking at the backgrounds anyway? Ah, you see? Not really to big a deal anyway. Now, for the FOREGROUNDS of the BACKGROUNDS. The platforms and such are basically a bunch of textures, usually repeating textures(most things are...) but as far as the arena you fight in, they often change enough to keep the arena appealing to the eye for a good while while. Theres not really too much to say here...

    Snap Crackle Pop. This time NOT rice crispies.
    Sounds. Sounds in each fight are limited to what the player does, not so much the environments. Meaning, there is no ambiance or atmospheric sounds in Brawl.(honestly, its practically 2D, what do you expect?) In Adventure mode, the sounds are only varied by a margin from single-player, as very few enemies actually make sounds. The only real fighting sounds you hear in this game are those of the fighters themselves, pummeling enemies into the ground. While these are the only sounds, they were recorded and placed great. After a while, they do get a bit repetitive, but this game ...
    by Published on June 1st, 2008 16:31

    Platform: DS
    Publisher: Nintendo
    Developer: Game Freak
    Genre: Adventure/Puzzle/Strategy
    Players: 1 - 4


    Pokemon Diamond (and Pearl) is another great addition to the Pokemon series, with new Pokemon, attacks, and areas in the whole new region. It''s not like any other Pokemon game out there.


    If you've played any Pokemon game before, you would know that you have to battle, catch, and raise Pokemon for your advantage, not to mention solve puzzles and do chores for people. You can even play some minigames along the way to becoming the greatest Pokemon trainer of all time. In Pokemon Diamond, this is all presented in a great way through the graphics, game layout, and the overall awesomeness of the game.


    The graphics of Pokemon Diamond (and Pearl) are pseudo-3D, meaning they seem 3D, but aren't really 3D. The Pokemon still have 2D sprites, but the rest is just plain amazing. The trees, rocks, hills, and even the NPCs look 3D, which adds to the cool factor of this game.


    This is probably one of my favorite aspects of Pokemon Diamond (and Pearl), seeing as the music is very stunning. Most of the music in Diamond (and Pearl) is calm, but some areas throughout the Sinnoh region have upbeat, energetic music to fit the mood. The music is just plain awesome, which is why I have some of the OST tracks on my iPod (no joke!).

    Replay Value:

    200 hours into the game, and the fact that I still enjoy it shows that Pokemon Diamond (and Pearl) has a great replay value. I spend my time trying to catch all the Pokemon I haven't caught, raising my low level Pokemon, and even going through Sinnoh battle trainers I haven't yet, or re-battling trainers using the Vs Seeker. No matter what Pokemon game you're playing, they never get old.


    Pokemon Diamond is the latest installment in the handheld adventure portion of the Pokemon series, and it is a great one. It's worth the $35 (or 30, I got it on launch, so I can't remember) USD, and with all of the great new features, it's a bargain. I actually hated Pokemon after the Gold/Silver/Crystal time period died down, but when I tried the Japanese version of Diamond my friend had, it was my 7 year old childhood all over again. I still play it, and I'm still trying to do everything that is possible to do in this game. I definitely recommend Pokemon Diamond (or Pearl).

    Overall Rating:

    by Published on June 1st, 2008 13:47

    The World Ends With You Review by pas (for the I-touch4DS Compo):

    Platform: Nintendo DS
    Publisher: Square Enix
    Developer: Square Enix / Jupiter
    Genre: Touchscreen Beat ‘em up
    Players: 2

    Overview :
    The World Ends With You is a awesome, really stylish game that is a new approach to RPG’s by the RPG Masters themselves, Square Enix. It’s weird art style took the gaming world by storm, much like their last Masterpiece ages ago: Final Fantasy VII.

    But let’s begin at the start:

    Gameplay :
    The Game has quite a complex Gameplaysystem and Story, so I will have to split this part up into several segments.

    - Story:
    First of, to mention the story. You wake up as Neku Sakuraba in the wonderful (the pun was intended) city, shibuya. Slowly, your are realizing what is going on around you:
    You are part of a Game, a big game that takes off every year and decides players who need to participate. After realizing what’s going on you will find some kind of Pin that allows you to read peoples minds, but that isn’t all, this pin isn’t the only pin you will encounter, infact you will encounter A LOT of them, so stay tuned for a detailed explanation on that later in the review.

    You will also met several People, the first of them being a trendy teenager girl called “Shiki”. Together with your partners you will then fight numerous battles, do quests for driving forth the main storyline by defeating enemies (more on that later) and solving puzzles.

    Moving the Main Character from place to place (e.g. walking) is done by pointing the stylus into any direction of the touchscreen to have neku and companions follow it “Phantomhour-glass-style”.

    If your Character reaches the end of the screen you will either enter a new restrict or the Screen will scroll, allowing you to see new unseen places.

    - Battle-System:
    Now on to mention the most interesting part this game has to offer besides the deep (!) story and extensive question: the Battle-System.

    You can enter a battle at any time when standing around in Shibuya by pressing the Player Pin Button in the bottom right corner of the DS’s Touchscreen to reveal peoples thoughts and – in this case even more important – Noise swarming around them.

    If you tap one of those Noises you will automatically enter Battlemode which works like that:
    On the Top Screen you have your Partner and on the bottom, you – as neku. You will have the enemies on both screens and need to defeat them on both screens in order to be successful.
    Your partner is controlled by the d-pad while you yourself (neku…) are controlled with stylus movements, swipes etc. Different kind of attacks can be applied by equipping pins, those again can be earned by fighting and defeating enemies in chain battles (up to 4 or more battles right after each other with no health refill) or just buying them in stores and stuff like that. To round this up, the Battlesystem has a lot more to offer than mentioned above, so has the Game itself, various Minigames like Tin-Pin-Slammer (Beyblade-ripoff ?) and others keep you busy for quite some weeks, therefore this deserves the full score:

    Graphics :
    Like mentioned before, the Graphics in this game (including the cutscenes) are really stylish, and totally fitting the Game’s setting of the modern Japano City.

    This deserves extra points because it was done so well:

    Sound :
    One word: Earworm Danger
    Once you started playing this game and heard for example the song Deja-vu you won’t be able to get those little pieces of art out of your head so soon again, which is a good thing, and combined with the smashing count of 35 tracks deserves yet again 5/5 since it includes songs for everyone.

    Replay Value :
    This is the first department which is a bit tricky to handle. The game offers a lot, a extensive storyline with secrets to be unlocked (I don’t mean your regular secrets… the secrets in this game are special, but to find that out you have to play it yourself since I won’t spoil the fun), a very customizable Battle system and Characters, each with their own story. Still, this game can have quite some replay value if you want to take a look at every pin, see every secret and beat every enemy, but that is not enough to keep some players playing it, so this section will get a 4/5.

    Conclusion :
    It is nice to see Firms taking a different approaches on subjects, which in case of The World Ends With You / It’s a wonderful world was a full success and makes hope for more like this. I for one totally think Square Enix has gone into the right direction with this game and therefore deserves the full score and nothing less:

    Final Score:

    ---------------------------------------------------------- ...
    by Published on May 31st, 2008 04:02

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
    Game of the Year Edition

    Developer: Bethesda Softworks
    Publisher: Bethesda Softworks/ZeniMax | 2k Games



    Here we have the fourth installment of the Elder Scrolls Saga, and probably one of the most anticipated and biggest one to date.
    The game of the year edition of Oblivion which I purchased for $59 (USD) which was a bargain compared to buying all the expansion that come with it alone.

    Ive got the 360 version but all versions should be the exact same no matter what.


    Notable Awards:
    • 2006 PC Game of the Year (Oblivion)
    • 2006 Xbox 360 Game of the Year (Oblivion)
    • 2006 RPG Game of the Year (Oblivion)
    • 2006 Overall Game of the Year (Oblivion)
    • 2007 PS3 RPG Game of the Year (Oblivion)
    • 2007 RPG Game of the Year (Shivering Isles)
    • 2007 Best DLC Xbox 360 (Shivering Isles)



    It is a First Person Role Playing Game (no thats not a joke , it pulls it off very well )



    The game is 1 player only (no multiplayer doesnt hurt this game)


    This edition comes with:
    • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (main game)
    • The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine (exp pak)
    • The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles (exp pak)



    You begin the game in a cell and for some reason there is a secret escape way in your cell in which the emperor of all the land comes to use it to escape assassins (mythic dawn) and for some reason he lets you come along for the ride [I dont know what crimes the original character committed beforehand but you were gonna rot in the cell until you die...]

    Anyway the emperor gets asasignatied along the way and now before his last breath he entrusts you with the Amulet of Kings to give to the next heir, you are omitted of all your crimes and set free.

    Now out of jail and can virtually go anywhere, do anything, explore, hunt, go on a killing spree, join clans, do side missions, help out people, be a thief, ect... (I spent over 110hrs just doing side missions O_O )

    The amount of customization of also very huge.
    You will be able to select your race, birth sign, as well as change how your face looks and how your stats are (each race has its own abilities choose wisely...)



    The Game Play is very smooth, no lag which is surprising for how big the outside world is (like GTA:SA)
    The FP controls also handle very well (you can also switch to third person, but its better with 1st person imo)



    The Graphics are Superb:
    I mean look at these and tell me there not...?

    if you still dont get it
    it looks amazing, especially for an RPG

    More pics can be found here:


    Audio / Sfx:

    The audio is also very good featuring a very rich classical score , that you really dont get bored off.

    Other sfx are also very well done and sound realistic from swords bouncing off a metal shield to animal noises and well as monster sounds, and voice acting, not the rinky dink acting we usually get from games that they just took people off the street walking by and paid them like $50 to do it. You can tell a lot of time and effort was put into the audio and sfx for this game.


    Replay Value:

    I dont think anyone can actually finish the game to replay, though you might be interested if you chose another race and made different choices...



    Overall this game is amazing, its huge, and just plain epic
    From every little detail, including gfx, sounds, missions, items, quests, ect...
    (I have plugged in over 180hrs and still havnt beat the main quest (I did finish one of the expansion packs, Nights of the Nine which was very good)


    • Amazing graphics
    • Excellent Voice Acting
    • Open Ended Story
    • Includes 2 Expansion paks adding 200+ hrs to game play
    • Customization
    • Miles and miles of explorable area
    • Breathtaking landscapes

    • May
    by Published on May 30th, 2008 20:36

    There is only 2 weeks or so left in the DCEmu Games Reviews Contest - WIN 1 of 4 iTOUCHDS IN REVIEW CONTEST. There have been many review submissions from numerous contributors. Its not too late for you to enter. Register (if you havent done so already), read the guidelines and rules and start posting! Check out other reviews for how reviews are constructed.

    Remember, you have until June 14th and you can submit as many reviews as you want! The more reviews, the better chance you have in winning.

    If you're not going to enter, be sure to cast your vote for best reviewer when review submission has ended!

    by Published on May 26th, 2008 22:53

    download the .wav file to hear my audio review.


    Hello and welcome to my first audio review,i am fg54.

    I hope you enjoy.

    Published and developed by: Frontier Developments
    Genre: Adventure
    cost: $10.00
    Number of Players: 1 or 2

    One of the first things i would like to point out is that this game looks better then most full priced wii games out there thanks to its beautiful enviorment and artistic look, i still haven't goten tired of just looking at the game and shaking things around with wind.
    The point of this game is to explore and solve puzzles with the wind as you get new powers.

    this game doesn't have alot of sound effects, but what it does have. is a wonderful and relaxing background song that goes seemeengly with the game.

    you control your character with the nunchuck and the wind with the weemote, both are very responsive.

    gorgeous waterfalls, mountains, trees and even caves along with an equally impressive art style. make this game fun to look at.

    this is an adventure game with some puzzle solving on the side.
    the main puzzle is figuring out what to do next and where to go. due to the games lack of direction, there is no map or arrows telling you where to go, the only arrow i found was one pointing towards a powerup that was right netx to it, as if i needed it to figure out that the big shining rock was special. the game is also very short, about three and a half hours long and not alot of replay value.

    Unfortunatley, once you beat this game, there is virtually no reason to go back to it other then to play arround with the wind and to obserbe the beautiful enviorments, it is quite a relaxing experience, specially with the soothing music playing on the background.

    This is in my opinion the best wiiware launch title out there, so if you want to dip your toe in a gorgeous and interactive experience brough to you by wiiware, take off your socks and take them to your nearest pawn shop, purchase 1000 wii points, and download this sucker.

    I give this game: four out of five stars
    by Published on May 24th, 2008 16:28

    I was hoping for something like God of War or ninja Gaiden when I rented Viking. I was hell-a-off....

    Viking: Battle for Asgard
    Publisher: SEGA
    Developer: Creative Assembly
    Players: 1
    Genre: Action Adventure

    You are Skarin, a Viking warrior mortally wounded in battle. On the edge of death, you are visited by Freya, a Norse goddess, who summons you to become her champion. You must defeat the goddess Hel and her undead army before they take over all of the land. To do this you must recruit an army, and use it to liberate the land.

    Viking mythology was never this boring
    The game starts off with a cutscene where you jump straight into the plot. Thats basically it. There is no lead up whatsoever to the general plot, making for an extremely annoying beginning of the game. The story at best is rather shallow, as it never really goes beyond anything except for the classic hero vs. villain mentality that pervaded many a 1970's movie. Thats not unnecessarily a bad thing, though, and could easily be overlooked. However, when you own character is the most static in the game, it becomes amazingly irritating to see no emotion or life from your character whatsoever. At the beginning, you learn of your father's death in the battle that almost claimed yours as well. What does your character say or do to express loss for his father? Nothing. Not a single thing except that you have a new mission. Character development in this game is absolutely gone, and the characters are the most static I've seen in a long time. The game is also uber violent, which may be the single redeeming quality here. I've never really cared much for violence, but when there is so little else to hold this games story and atmosphere up, you have to aim low. Blood and guts will follow you everywhere. This goes beyond God of War and Conan, as you do finishers that could only be replicated in games like Ninja Gaiden 2. However, that barely replaces the messy story and the lost everything else about the presentation. Menus tend to be confusing, and even the achievements are weird (wanna know how I got a gamerscore ending in a 2? This game.)

    Bloody mediocre
    Onto graphics. To its credit, Viking does sport some nice looking character models, and the magic effects look fine and nice. Environments need lots of work though. Enemies look great, especially when your cutting them to shreds. The blood flying every which way and the entrails (starting to get a little queasy here)splat in full texture. Unfortunately, you'll be seeing the same enemies very, very often. Back to environments for a minute anyway. The main lands and grassy plains that you fight on a plain, boring, and uneventful. Castles and forts actually look interesting, though, but thats only from the distance. Up close they get bland and repetitive, showing good artistic direction, but terrible execution. The ocean water looks like waves of white lines, and caverns all look exactly the same. To clean up the point, none of this necessarily looks bad, it just doesn't look good. Mediocrity rules this games graphical direction in almost every which way you can think of.

    It doesn't look bad. It just doesn't look good.

    Have I gone deaf? No wait, This game is just dead.

    Sound. As far as music goes, there is absolutely nothing. There is basically no music whatsoever. The only music there ever is only happens during fights, so your mind basically blocks it out. Even then there is nothing to hear. Sound effects aren't too shabby though. The fierce attacks of enemies and the slashes that your sword makes into their lower sternums are glorious. Unfortunately, these sound effects repeat themselves over and over and over constantly, and once you've heard some of the sound effects, you've hears all of the sound effects. Voice acting is terrible. Mostly the acting consists of fake British and Norse accents (whats a norse accent sound like, anyway?) spewed to a very badly written script. Some of the Viking warriors have some decent lines to say though. Don't must your TV when playing this, but to be honest there isn't much to hear.

    Hack-and-slash is fun, but repetitive
    For those of you willing to forgo storyline and sound, and deal with mediocre graphics, you've still got some interesting gameplay going for you. You may think differently when you first begin, though, as your best attacks include mashing the A button over and over (even more then dynasty warriors). If your patient you'll get a few more combos, and eventually some pretty sweet magic attacks. Gathering your Viking warriors is pretty fun for a good while. Getting gold and doing quests extend the fun you have a good deal. Did I mention, the Vikings you release join your army? They do. These utterly massive armies lead to some really awesome epic scale battles in the game, as you and 1000 Vikings battle ...
    by Published on May 23rd, 2008 07:25

    I promised it, so here it is, a 'moderately' in depth review of Condemned 2 (yes, I shelled out the big bucks for you, populace! Be grateful!) I actually haven't played this game on the PS3 as the cover art may imply, but from reliable sources (IGN, Gamespot) they are both supposed to be equal is game. Besides, most reviews I've made have 360 cover art, even though they have PS3 counterparts.

    Saying fps horror has a new face would be inaccurate-- how about no face at all?

    Comdemned 2: Bloodshot
    Publisher: SEGA
    Developer: Monolith Productions
    Players: 1-8
    Genre: Survival horror FPS

    You are Ethan Thomas, once an SCU(special something something forces) investigator. Now, your an alcoholic, and with a real pissy attitude. Your called back to action when your former partner has gone missing. Not only must you find your partner and solve many more murders, but you must battle your own inner demons as well and discover a truth so demented and sick that you will never see it coming...

    The truth is both disturbing and awesome...
    For my part I haven't really seen many a horror game that has an interesting story. Or many a horror game in general to be honest (Jericho and Doom 3 aside). So I was reluctant to try out Condemned 2, but the demo won me over. Aaaaannyway, Bloodshot's storyline is probably the most compelling reason to keep coming back to this game 'til the very end. Without revealing too much, the storyline actually seems less of a horror storyline and more of a mystery movie. Don't worry, its plenty scary for more reasons, but I'll get to that. The story is told in a way that makes the player consciously or unconsciously (thats right, it ****s up your mind, fool!) try and guess what happens next in the story. The best part is that your more then likely gonna be wrong, which serves to make the storyline much more compelling as you try to figure stuff out ahead of time (only to be wrong). The storyline itself is wacky, but takes itself so seriously it becomes like Ninja Gaiden-- crazy, but serious enough that it makes the player serious. For instance, in the first game (which I haven't actually played) you track down a serial killer nicknamed SKX. In Bloodshot, you go from solving a crime and trying to figure out whats happening to you and the city to, well....lets just say it goes from 1980's time periods to that of a sci-fi movie. None of this takes away too badly from the story, but it does make it a bit harder to truly get into. Still, it all is great and leaves a great amount of room for the third game. Oh, and did I mention, your steadily going insane in Bloodshot? Must have missed that... Now the atmosphere of Bloodshot is near flawless. it knows the perfect times throw psycho bandits at you and the perfect time to build crazy levels of suspense. Like when you explore the SCU building, and lights flicker while you simply see inhuman shadows for instance. Even the house levels will make you turn every single corner twice before you enter a room. The atmosphere in Bloodshot is a marvel of the horror genre, and a much needed improvement over those lame horror games where they rely on surprise as the sole factor in making a game scary. As far as menus go, your character sees the menus on his pocket computer, a bit of a nice change from the standard 'press start to see the bland, sideways menu' of most games. They are easy to read and navigate as well. I've had connection issues in multiplayer, but its more because hardly anyone playing it then anything else.

    Ethan Thomas is no longer the shining beacon of joy he was in Condemned 1

    Tar, tar, everywhere...
    Condemned sure looks great sometimes. The splattered walls, the psychotic villains and especially the tar monsters (see? Sega made a tribute to Scooby-Doo-- that means some people DO still like that show!) who tear themselves out of the tar covered walls. The lighting effects are great at most times, and the flashlight is much needed. However, there are a few rooms and hallways, specifically in the beginning and end which are stupidly dark. These rooms are very rare, but getting attacked by 3 creatures in the dark sure can be annoying(very). The bloody and torn textures of flesh and blood in the game is sickeningly spot-on. The weapons and textures are great, and the splatting of enemies heads against your feet (or bludgeon) splat gloriously bloody. The enemies differ from one another, and few enemies look alike. The faceless Oros are great looking enemies, although getting close enough to study one without being beat up may be a challenge. However, a lot of times they just look kind of messy, but for the most part they look just like psychotics would-- scars and blood stains included. Environments are very well done, most noticeably being the run down state of the city. You truly get the feeling that the city is being turned onto ...
    by Published on May 22nd, 2008 18:22

    Unless you've been living under a rock for the last few months you've heard off Wii Fit. It was announced at last years E3 convention and has been on everything from the Today Show to the Ellen Degenerous Show. As predicted by many this thing has officially blown up. However we all know that media coverage doesnt make the game good. Thats why I'm here to tell you.

    My first feeling about this "game" was that it would be essentially Brain Age for your body. That seems like a good description now after spending some quality time with the game. It gives you an arbitrary Wii Fit Age as well as reading you BMI (body mass index) and weight. I would recommend following your weight and ignoring the rest.. BMI is notoriously inaccurate as it does not take into account body types. Basically a ripped muscle bound freak would be called fat.. On to the hardware.

    The WiiBo is a solid piece of hardware. Its heavy and feels very solid. You would have to try pretty hard to break it. Then again what would you expect from a first party Nintendo product? It is even more precise then the Wiimote and the first time you use it you'll see that too. Its pretty amazing. The only issue I see is if your hands get sweaty they may begin slipping off the board in push-up drills or things like that. I haven't had that problem but others have. Wear cloves I guess. Wii Fit gloves.. Crap what have I done?! You watch.. Someone will make those.

    The interface on this game is simple and shallow. Just what you would want in a game that is targeting literally everyone. My mother has no issues using it and she has problems emailing people links to web pages. They did a great job keeping everything clean fresh and simple. You can hop on, do your daily optional body test then start doing yoga, aerobics or whatever you want in seconds.

    I almost feel odd calling this a game. Yoga, while far more fun then I thought it would be, is typically not a game component. I would have never seen myself enjoying Yoga on a game and yet here I am. It really feels like a Nintendo has made something great here with the WiiBo. The WiiBo is at the center with different branches like Skate It, Wii Fit, We Skii and others. Well We Skii is crap but you get my point. For those of you wondering how much of a workout it can be dont worry. Its a workout. The first thing I did was hit strength training. After 20 minutes of doing lunges, push-ups, and jack knives I was getting tired. Heres the trick. Push-ups generally arent that difficult. However try doing them slowly while keeping your balance perfect. Not so easy now eh? The longer you go it just keeps getting harder to keep you balance perfect and you will get sore. This is not the Wiitis people complained over in Wii Sports. This is a real workout tool.

    Dont get me wrong though. This should never replace actual workout. Its just a potential part of a real workout routine. Its something to along side an actual hard workout to keep in shape or get there. That being said its one of my favorite games on Wii and I highly recommend it!


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