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  • October 9th, 2019

    by Published on October 9th, 2019 20:38
    1. Categories:
    2. Xbox News

    • With the recent official acknowledgement of the next-gen PlayStation and its unsurprising, yet conventional name of PlayStation 5, we are left wondering what direction Microsoft will choose when it comes to naming their successor to the Xbox One.

      The Xbox brand has had a less than straight forward history when it comes to naming their hardware after the release of the original Xbox in 2001.

      With the upcoming release of the PlayStation 3 in 2005/06, Microsoft allegedly wanted to avoid calling their next console the Xbox 2 to avoid consumers splitting hairs between numbers and causing consumer confusion with possible assumptions that 2 is greater than 3, so instead they opted for the Xbox 360 name when it released ahead of the PS3 in '05. Though this decision only furthered complications when it came time for the next generation Xbox...

      Though many believed the next generation Xbox would be called the Xbox 720 after a supposed teaser was seen in the trailer for the 2011 film 'Reel Steel'. Instead, Microsoft chose to go back to the drawing board and turned heads when they revealed the Xbox One name during the Xbox Reveal 2013 event. The Xbox One released in 2013 up against the PlayStation 4.

    by Published on October 9th, 2019 20:09
    1. Categories:
    2. PS4

    It's official. PlayStation 5 is coming. It will be here in just over a year. Sony revealed it just this week to the world's media, with leading game developers celebrating its many advantages.
    Well, not quite. It announced PS5 via a blog post and a placed article in Wired, just a few months after it first talked about the new console in a standalone Wired article.
    Sony's understated approach to PR in 2019 has been in direct contrast to Microsoft, which has done nothing but talk, talk, talk, talk all year long. Whether it's about new consoles, streaming platforms, subscription services, games... even family settings. Microsoft has been leading the conversation, it has attended all the big shows, and has been sharing its vision in a coherent way. Microsoft has a plan and is happy to tell us all about it.
    In a year where you'd expect Sony to be setting out its strategy for widening the gaming audience, it has acted conservatively. It is behaving more like a business worried about protecting its lead rather than extending it.
    Sony's PR strategy is perhaps understandable when you consider the criticism it has faced from certain media, particularly around cross-play. There are already commentators proclaiming the return of 'arrogant Sony,' yet the counter to accusations of over-confidence is humility, not avoiding the conversation.
    "The industry is looking at Sony to see what's next for the console business. At the moment, Xbox is the one providing all the answers"
    Of course, the ongoing company restructure at Sony isn't helping. PlayStation's old regional structure made it a complicated beast, but that made it popular in markets its competitors couldn't get near. The centralisation plan was to try and simplify things while maintaining the regional autonomy that has worked so well in the past. As of right now, it's not working.
    There is no centralised clarity of vision, and regional teams have become frustrated by US oversight and sign-off procedures. It's perhaps no wonder senior names -- whether that's Shawn Layden or regional leads -- are using this opportunity to move on.
    This uncertainty has reached the wider business. At the GamesIndustry.biz Investment Summit this year, one indie developer expressed fears that PlayStation "has stopped caring about indies." There's so much we don't know about what Sony is planning next. What are its third-party priorities? Is VR still a thing for it? Is PlayStation Now as significant to them as Game Pass is for Xbox?
    It might be PlayStation doesn't quite have all the answers yet and isn't ready for the media scrutiny. Even so, it's not quite the confident showing you'd expect from the dominant platform holder.
    I confess I was a bit reluctant to write this piece initially. None of this is especially new. From the moment Sony backed out of E3, it was clear the company was going into stealth mode ahead of PS5, and we're still over a year away from its launch. And restructures are almost always painful. The time to judge them is not in the middle of the transition, but at the end when the kinks have been worked out. Centralising PlayStation in a globalised games industry had to happen at some point.

    https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articl...tation-opinion ...
    by Published on October 9th, 2019 17:39
    Article Preview

    When we were playing video games as kids, we always wondered how the game was made in terms of the graphics, visual animation, and texture. It was so beautifully created and the games were so engaging. As we got older, some of us still cling to that idea of making a game of our own that can make people happy; the fundamentals of developing a game might be simple, but to be a professional one is a whole different story. We explore how you can become a professional game developer.

    Getting The Basics First

    Developing games need a certain set of skills first; you have to have advanced computer skills background, knowing all the programming languages, and coding that needs higher mathematical skills. The best developers have a Bachelor's degree in computer science or computer engineering. Once you've already learned the ways and you’re well-educated, then you are halfway there to becoming a decent game developer.

    Set Up Your Portfolio

    If you want people and professional companies to notice you, it's smart to let them see your work. You have to show people your design skills and demonstrate your programming prowess, and it should have multiple examples. Before the developers of Cleopatra on Kerching could make it big, they had to work hard on creating stunning graphics and great prizes to attract big gambling companies to support them. So, make small games that can get the attention of big gaming companies and studios, something that can get them interested in your work and offer you an opportunity to create things for them. Remember to post all the necessary source codes and crucial game scene screenshots so they can be evaluated.

    Start Small First It's okay to have humble beginnings in this line of business; it's actually good for you as you get more experiences and chances to hone your skills. Try getting internships first, then make your way to small gaming studios. You don't want to start big and overwhelm yourself. During those times, you could establish a network of people and important programmers; you can reach them through blogs, forums, and gaming websites. Senior developers are always on the lookout for fresh content, and if you find the entry-level position to be a little difficult, your contacts can be your ticket in.

    Be Determined and Hone Your Craft

    Over the years, you will gain a lot of experience and skills. Try not to get discouraged if the environment is very competitive; the gaming world has plenty of opportunities. So work hard on catching them to make it big. Your games might fail, but those are stepping stones and lessons to make you create better ones. In time, you will advance to higher positions to make the best games that people will enjoy countless hours playing.Anyone can develop a game if they put their mind to it, but it's challenging to produce a great game professionally. Creating a game that people would want to pay money for can be challenging; with the right mindset, determination, and skills, you can make it happy and have millions of people enjoy your great creation. ...
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