DKnute posted this news:

This one is actually WinCE game but should work reasonably well on systems slower then my E6600 - there isn't that much processing going on. It gave me some trouble as the Sort-DMA needs to handled in a special way to get correct visuals - but I've managed to make it work.

What's interesting, the USA version screen mask (borders around play area) seems to be somewhat simplified when compared to Japanese original. Well, maybe this depends on the character you choose to play with - but that caught my eye.

I've tweaked my GD code even more and now it seems stable at last. There was also a race condition (found by sheer luck BTW) in the cyclic buffer I use for GD data transfers. I tried to make it safe for one producer/consumer pair but it didn't work out that well, so now it's just blocked via critical sections where necessary.
ARM7 recompiler got fixed too. It was long due, I simply forgot to carry the changes from interpreter and, as luck would have it, I've compiled T10 to use the broken code

Oh, by the way - I found out that Evolution does not boot if there's less then some 11 blocks free on VMU at PAS1. Curious. I'll have to see how my DC will handle situation like this.

UPDATE: Seems like all WinCE games report VMUs as having 0 space left. More work for me I guess...
I still got over 200 GDs form Yuki to sort through, so I'm not going to post screenshots from each and every one - but here's a few, I know you like them :P

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