Ant512 has updated his windows system for the DS, heres whats new:

Version 0.35 is now out. Changes are listed below. The most significant changes this time around include the addition of a keyboard gadget for text input, cursor support in the TextBox gadget and re-written VBL integration to use a much simpler timer gadget for VBL-based code.
I've attached a screenshot of the keyboard. It has shift, caps lock and control modifier keys, and the full 7-bit ASCII set of symbols (ie. a fairly standard American keyboard layout).
There are two new example projects. One illustrates how to use the new timer, whilst the other shows how to use the keyboard.

- Fixes:
- Renamed "Textbox" to "TextBox".
- Corrected case of "PackedFontBase.h" include in "packedfontbase.cpp"
(thanks Gattman, bug 2101099).
- Removed offcolour pixels from around @ symbol in sysfont bitmap.
- Moved @ symbol in tinyfont.bmp to correct ASCII location.
- SkinnedWindows move to front when clicked.
- Renamed TextBox::TextPositionXXX to TextAlignmentXXX, along with all
related functions and similar in MultiLineTextBox and ScrollingTextBox.
- TextBox::addText() was allocating one byte too many when concatenating
- Renamed addText() to appendText() in TextBox, MultiLineTextBox and
ScrollingTextBox classes.
- Text::wrap() correctly wraps text rows with no break points.
- Fixed const-correctness of some Font (and subclass) methods.

- New Features:
- Button has different appearance when disabled.
- CheckBox has different appearance when disabled.
- ContextMenuItem has different appearance when disabled.
- CycleButton has different appearance when disabled.
- RadioButton has different appearance when disabled.
- Added WoopsiKeyboard gadget.
- Added all missing 7-bit ASCII glyphs to sysfont.
- Added keyboard example.
- Added TextBox::appendText(char).
- Added TextBox::setText(char).
- Added MultiLineTextBox::appendText(char).
- Added MultiLineTextBox::setText(char).
- Added ScrollingTextBox::addText(char).
- Added ScrollingTextBox::setText(char).
- Added WoopsiTimer gadget.
- Woopsi::registerForVBL() and Woopsi::unregisterFromVBL() now only work
with timers; all VBL code now is handled with timer gadgets.
- Removed EVENT_VBL event.
- Removed Gadget::vbl().
- AnimButton automatically animates as it has as built-in timer gadget.
- Added missing glyphs to tinyfont.bmp.
- Added timer example.
- Added cursor functionality to TextBox.
- Added GraphicsPort::drawFilledXORRect().
- Added GraphicsPort::drawLine() and associated clipping functions.
- Added WoopsiString class and replaced string handling code in TextBox.
- Added Label gadget as a base class for TextBox and Button; can be used as
a read-only, borderless text display gadget.
- Text inherits from WoopsiString class.
- Added MultiLineTextBox::removeText() methods.
- TextBox border bevelled both out and in.

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