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Thread: Install multiple GTA homebrew at once (New GTA Loader -of sorts-)

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Install multiple GTA homebrew at once (New GTA Loader -of sorts-)

    Fanjita has released another great new Loader for the PSP, heres the details:

    In response to popular demand, I helped the chaps over at PSP3D to put together a homebrew package for the GTA exploit that lets you place the GTA homebrew of your choice into any of 5 homebrew-loader game slots. This means that you can easily pick from your 5 favourite GTA homebrews. Although you can't change the names of the save slots, you can place your own icons in there if you replace the ICON0.PNG file in each slot, so it's easy to tell them apart.

    More info:

    Unzip the contents of this package into the /psp/savedata folder on your memory stick. Note that if you have an existing savegame that uses slots 3,4,5,6 or 7, then this will be overwritten by the Tetris savegame.

    You can see which slots you are using by the folder names - ULES00182SX, ULES00151SX or ULUS10041SX : X is the slot number.

    Start up GTA as normal. When it has loaded, select "Load Game", select the Tetris savegame and confirm the load as normal. After a short delay, the Tetris game should start. To quit the game, you will need to hold your power button for 10 seconds. The HOME button doesn't work, this is a known problem.

    This package comes with 5 homebrew savegame slots. You can use these to choose between your 5 favourite GTA-ready homebrew applications. To copy a GTA homebrew into place:

    - Decide which slot you want to use. Tetris uses slot 5 by default.
    - Copy the "tetris.bin" file from your new GTA homebrew into the ULES00182SX folder - where 'X' is the slot number you have chosen.
    - Optionally, copy an ICON0.PNG (for the game icon) and a PIC1.PNG (for the larger game picture, seen in the savegame manager) into the folder, to make it easier to remember. You need to follow the format of the existing PNGs in the folder.

    There are 3 versions of the folders in this package, to cover all known versions of the game. You only really need the version appropriate to your copy of the game, which is:
    ULES00182S* for German GTA
    ULUS10041S* for US GTA
    ULES00151S* for all other versions.

    Download via comments

  2. #2


    Suhweet! Thanks again Wraggster.

  3. #3


    i hope for a downgrader soon

  4. #4
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    I Think this and all other gta related homebrew should get there own spot on the main page like the Lua apps. Would make it much easier to find rather than searching through all the old news to find it. Just a suggestion for Wraggster

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